What are Student Capstone Projects?

Many university departments offer capstone courses. These are courses that allow their students to demonstrate the knowledge they have accumulated while earning their degrees. Student Capstone Projects arise out of these courses. These projects:

  • Are led by student teams, with sponsor and faculty mentorship.
  • Are funded by an external sponsor.
  • Can be a project suggested by a sponsor.
  • Offer undergraduate and graduate students with real-world industry experience.
  • Often lead to job opportunities for graduating students.

What options are there to sponsor Student Capstone Projects?

There are two options for sponsoring a Student Capstone Project:

  1. Sponsors can fund a project as a gift. This is the easiest route and is appropriate for projects where there is no deliverable.
  2. Sponsors can fund a project through a sponsored research contract if there is a deliverable. A funded project contract is needed and will include standard university requirements as well as terms and conditions relevant to the work.

What are the steps for sponsoring a Student Capstone Project?

Reach out to one of the contacts listed below to discuss the nature of the collaboration, the scope of work, the educational requirements, the price, and programmatic details.


Mechanical EngineeringÌý(Lauren McCombÌýemail)

Computer ScienceÌý(Amy RichardsÌýemail)

Electrical, Computer and Energy EngineeringÌý(Eric BogatinÌýemail)

Aerospace EngineeringÌý(Tom MorganÌýemail)

Biomedical EngineeringÌý(Novella KeelingÌýemail)

Applied MathematicsÌý(William KleiberÌýemail)

(Mike BennettÌýemail)

Data ScienceÌý(Ami GatesÌýemail)

Gather relevant sponsorship information, such as:
  1. Is this collaboration going to require a deliverable?
  2. Does your project require intellectual property assignment from University?
  3. Does your organization require a purchase order (PO)?
  4. Who are the relevant points of contact in your organization for the technical and administrative aspects of this project?
  5. Is this a project that you are continuing from a previous year?

We use an to collect the relevant information and route it to the individuals who need it. This form is solely for information gathering and does not create any binding commitment.

If a contract is required based on the information gathered, a contract will be drafted and sent to your technical and administrative contacts for review and signature. A Contract Officer with the Office of Contracts and Grants will work with your organization to resolve any questions or concerns from your organization.

If a project will be funded by a gift based on the information gathered, Industry & Foundation Relations will coordinate with your organization to receive the gift funding.

Once a contract has been signed or gift has been given. The University will invoice your organization based on the terms of the contract or gift.