Institution ID | Institution Name | Department ID | Department Name | Organization ID | Organization Name |
00000 | Non Assignable | 00000 | Non Assignable | 00000 | Non Assignable |
11042 | Instl Equity And Compliance | 11042 | Instl Equity And Compliance | 11042 | Instl Equity And Compliance |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0177 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | 10964 | Enrollment Management |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0303 | B-Pre-College Outreach&Engmnt | 10735 | Cu-Lead Scholarship/Program |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0303 | B-Pre-College Outreach&Engmnt | 10893 | Pre-Collegiate Programs |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0304 | B-Avc - Admissions Office | B0304 | B-Avc - Admissions Office |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0305 | B-Avc-Student Financial Svcs | 10046 | Office Of Financial Aid |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0305 | B-Avc-Student Financial Svcs | 10518 | Bursar |
B0013 | B-Svc-Enrollment Management | B0305 | B-Avc-Student Financial Svcs | 11351 | Scholarships Office |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | 10763 | Biofrontiers Institute |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0018 | B-Institutes-Lasp |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0019 | B-Institutes-Ics |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0020 | B-Institutes-Ibs |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0023 | B-Institutes-Cires |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0026 | B-Institutes-Instaar |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0027 | B-Institutes-Jila |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0028 | B-Institutes-Museum |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0154 | B-Institutes-Ibg |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0184 | B-Institutes-Rasei |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0168 | B-Institutes | B0282 | B-Institutes-Wellness |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 10057 | Rio |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 10059 | Office Of Contracts & Grants |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 10110 | Office Of Animal Resources |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 10993 | Clincal Trans. Research Center |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11037 | Office Of Research Integrity |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11046 | Rio Business It Office |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11061 | Sustainability Innovation Lab |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11075 | Shared Research Facilities |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11076 | Rio Research Dev Office |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11087 | Energy & Envir Policy Lab |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11354 | Research Management |
B0017 | B-Vc Rsch & Institutes | B0169 | B-Rio | 11378 | Space Policy Center |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0090 | B-Housing & Dining Services | 11021 | Conference Services |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0090 | B-Housing & Dining Services | B0091 | B-Housing |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0090 | B-Housing & Dining Services | B0092 | B-Hds Residential Program Svs |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0090 | B-Housing & Dining Services | B0095 | B-Housing-Dining Services |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10430 | Umc-Administration |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10431 | Umc-Food Service |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10432 | Umc-Bldg O&M |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10433 | Umc-Scheduling |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10434 | Umc-Arts & Events |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10435 | Umc-Business Office |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10436 | Umc-Night Ride/Night Walk |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0105 | B-University Memorial Center | 10437 | Umc-Games |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | 10424 | Fraternity & Sorority Life |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | 10441 | Program Council |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | 10463 | Csi Operating |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | 10467 | Cultural Events Board |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | 11065 | Csi Student Engagement |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0109 | B-Student Involvement | B0250 | B-Student Org Support |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10456 | Cusg Costctrs-Cusg Office |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10457 | Cusg Costctrs-Environ Ctr |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10458 | Cusg Costctrs-Volresourcectr |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10459 | Cusg Costctrs-Kvcu |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10460 | Cusg Costctrs-Offcampstudsvc |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0110 | B-Cusg Small Cost Centers | 10461 | Cusg Costctrs-Legal Svcs |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 10371 | Vc Student Affairs |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 10888 | Veteran & Military Affairs |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11111 | Sa Information Technology |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11112 | Student Affairs Communication |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11197 | Inclusion And Social Change |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11216 | Sa Business Services |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11217 | Sa Finance |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11218 | Sa Human Resources |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11262 | Buff Onecard Office |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11266 | Sa Planning, Assessmt And Data |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | 11330 | Basic Needs Center |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0162 | B-Student Affairs Programs | B0089 | B-Career Services |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0175 | B-Avc Dos-Student Support | 10425 | Student Conduct |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0175 | B-Avc Dos-Student Support | 10914 | Dean Of Students |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0175 | B-Avc Dos-Student Support | 11126 | Student Support & Case Mgmt. |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0176 | B-Recreation Center | B0106 | B-Student Fee Depts-Rec Center |
B0087 | B-Vc For Student Affairs | B0221 | B-Avc Dos-Student Success | 10048 | New Student And Family Program |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0114 | B-Vc Infrastructure & Sustain | 10488 | Infrastructure And Resil |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10491 | Cogen/Central Plants |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10492 | Business Services |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10493 | Maintenance & Operations |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10494 | Capital Construction |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10495 | Engineering |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10496 | Planning |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10497 | Human Resources |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10533 | Transportation Services |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10535 | Property Services |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10869 | Cad |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 10870 | Space Optimization |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 11128 | Avc Planning Design & Constr |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 11324 | Campus Building Services |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 11325 | Mech & Struct Trades |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0115 | B-Facilities Management | 11326 | Outdoor Services |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0207 | B-Environmental Health & Safety | 10541 | Safety-Environmntl Hlth&Safety |
B0113 | B-Svc-Infrastructure & Resil | B0271 | B-Campus Sustainability | 11196 | Campus Sustainability |
B0119 | B-Svc-Human Resources | 10003 | Staff Council | 10003 | Staff Council |
B0119 | B-Svc-Human Resources | 10507 | Hr-Ofc Of Director | 10507 | Hr-Ofc Of Director |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | 11082 | Finance & Business Strat Offc | 11082 | Finance & Business Strat Offc |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0123 | B-Svc-Budget & Finance | 10519 | Campus Controller'S Office |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0123 | B-Svc-Budget & Finance | 11083 | Budget & Fiscal Planning |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0123 | B-Svc-Budget & Finance | 11268 | Avc Budget And Finance |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0125 | B-Svc-Business Strategy | 10882 | Real Estate Services |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0125 | B-Svc-Business Strategy | 11257 | Business Strategy Office |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0299 | B-Fbs Auxiliary Services | 10395 | Children'S Center |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0299 | B-Fbs Auxiliary Services | 10529 | Cu Book Store |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0299 | B-Fbs Auxiliary Services | 10532 | Imaging Services |
B0122 | B-Svc-Finance & Business Strat | B0299 | B-Fbs Auxiliary Services | 10540 | Parking Services |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | 10002 | Chan-Boulder Faculty Assembly | 10002 | Chan-Boulder Faculty Assembly |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | 11261 | Center For Leadership | 11261 | Center For Leadership |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | 11291 | Svc For Div Eq And Incl | 11291 | Svc For Div Eq And Incl |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | 11302 | Govt Relations And Comm Eng | 11302 | Govt Relations And Comm Eng |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | 11371 | Vc For Sustainability | 11371 | Vc For Sustainability |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | B0003 | B-Office Of The Chancellor | 10001 | Chan-Ofc Of Chancellor |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | B0003 | B-Office Of The Chancellor | CHANC | Vcaa / Coo |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | B0231 | B-Boulder Campus Development | 11007 | Ucb Development-Administration |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | B0231 | B-Boulder Campus Development | B0142 | B-Alumni Association |
B0163 | B-Chancellor, Boulder Campus | B0231 | B-Boulder Campus Development | B0234 | B-Boulder Campus Dev, Athletic |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10036 | Vcaa Ug Ed, Avc Office |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10039 | Vcaa-Ug Ed - Suep |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10040 | Vcaa-Ug Ed, Rotc, Air Force |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10041 | Vcaa-Ug Ed, Rotc,Army |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10042 | Vcaa-Ug Ed, Rotc,Navy |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 10044 | Vcaa-Ug Ed, Pres Leadership Cl |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 11101 | Vcaa, Ug Ed, Advising Office |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 11215 | Vcaa: Prgm In Exploratory Stud |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | 11273 | Writing Center |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | B0102 | B-Vcaa-Ug Ed-International Edu |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0012 | B-Vcaa-Undergrad Education | B0155 | Sasc-Student Academic Svc Ctr |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0031 | B-Vcaa-Dn,Ce & Avc, Summr Sess | 10945 | Ce-Assoc Vc, Science Discovery |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0031 | B-Vcaa-Dn,Ce & Avc, Summr Sess | B0032 | B-Dn Conted&Assoc Vc,Summer Ce |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0086 | B-Vcaa-Libraries | 10369 | Libraries |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0086 | B-Vcaa-Libraries | 11095 | Ctr-Res Data Digi Scholarship |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10023 | Ombuds-Office |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10031 | Provost & Evcaa, Office Of |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10034 | Evcaa-Fac Affairs,Assoc Vc,Off |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10401 | Office Of The Registrar |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10935 | Leap Program |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 10989 | Js Caruthers Biotech Bldg. |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11060 | Academic Resource Management |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11098 | Wilderness Acad Rsrc Mgmt |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11220 | Aerospace Acad Rsrc Mgmt |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11224 | Mountain Research Station Acad Rsrc Mgmt |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11225 | Ctr Teach Learning |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0157 | Vcaa-Office Of Vc | 11327 | Academic Planning & Assessment |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 10556 | Grad Sch-Finl Aid |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 10717 | Graduate Admissions Services |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 10722 | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Diversity Initiative |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 10975 | Dgs Administration |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 11132 | Ctr For The Study Of Origins |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 11133 | Co Eu Union Ctr Of Excellence |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | 11296 | Caaas-Ctr African & African Am |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | B0030 | B-Ctr-Humanities & Arts |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | B0248 | B-Grad Schl Development Group |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0256 | B-Vcaa-Dean Grad School | B0273 | B-Cnais |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0289 | B-Cu Bldr Online | 11079 | Education Innov-Mooc |
B0164 | B-Evcaa-Academic Support Units | B0289 | B-Cu Bldr Online | B0289 | B-Cu Bldr Online |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10158 | Aps-Astro&Planet Sciences |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10159 | Applied Mathematics |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10160 | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10169 | Environmental Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10189 | Atoc-Dept Of Atmos&Oceanic Sci |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10195 | Casa-Ctr,Astrophys&Space Astro |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10197 | Honors Program |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10198 | Miramontes A&S Program |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10201 | Honors Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10202 | Env And Nat Sciences Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10206 | Anthropology |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10219 | Sociology |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10221 | International Affairs |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10224 | Stories And Societies Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10226 | Peace & Conflict Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10228 | Classics |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10229 | Department Of Humanities |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10230 | Asian Lang & Civilizations |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10233 | Cinema Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10234 | Dept Of Art And Art History |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10236 | French & Italian |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10237 | Germanic&Slavic Lang&Lits |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10238 | History |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10241 | Religious Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10242 | Spanish & Portuguese |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10243 | Theatre & Dance |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10244 | Anderson Language Tech Center |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10247 | British Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10248 | Center Of The American West |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10251 | Medieval Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10254 | A&S Acad Advising & Coaching |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10592 | Biochemistry |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10621 | Cu Art Museum |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10711 | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Shakespeare Festival |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10723 | Pgm For Writing And Rhetoric |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10742 | Cartss |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10762 | Center For Asian Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10839 | Creative Minds Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10850 | Ctr Western Civilization |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10889 | Global Studies Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10894 | Jewish Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10961 | Center For Latin Amer. Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10965 | Brakhage Center |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 10992 | Health Professions Rap |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11081 | A&S Curricular Affairs Office |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11119 | Masters Of The Environment |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11265 | Student Success |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11313 | A&S Infrastructure |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11315 | A&S Nat Sci Administration |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | 11368 | Public Health Program |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0036 | B- A&S Central Administration |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0039 | B-A&S Ns Depts-Mcdb |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0040 | B-A&S Natl Sci Depts-Chemistry |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0041 | B-A&S Ns Depts-Geography |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0042 | B-A&S Ns D-Geological Sci |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0043 | B-A&S Ns Dept-Mathematics |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0044 | B-A&S Ns D-Physics |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0046 | B-A&S Ss D-Political Science |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0047 | B-Psych-Psychology |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0050 | B-A&S Pgm-Obsrv-Sommers Bausch |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0051 | B-A&S Ns Pgm-Fiske Planetarium |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0054 | B-Econ-Economics |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0055 | B-A&S Soc Sci D-Ethnic Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0056 | B-A&S Soc Sci Depts-Ling |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0057 | B-Slhs-Speech, Lang&Hear Sci |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0061 | B-A&S Arts & Hum Depts-English |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0063 | B-A&S A&H D-Philosophy |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0153 | B-A&S Soc Sci Depts-Wmnstudies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0035 | B-Vcaa-College Arts & Sciences | B0229 | Integrative Physiology |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0065 | B-Vcaa-Leeds School Of Busines | B0065 | B-Vcaa-Leeds School Of Busines |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0066 | B-Vcaa-School Of Education | B0067 | B-Education |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0066 | B-Vcaa-School Of Education | B0068 | B-Education-Bueno |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10298 | Engin Dn-Ofc |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10302 | Tech, Cybersecurity & Policy |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10303 | Engin Dn-Space Grant College |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10304 | Environmental Engineering |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10308 | Engin Dn-Integratd Teachng Lab |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10316 | Herbst Pgm For Engr Ethics Soc |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10318 | Aero-Aerospace Engineering Sci |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10319 | Aero-Co Ctr,Astrodynamics Rsch |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10324 | Chemical And Biological Engin |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10331 | Civileng-Civil,Env&Arch Engin |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10332 | Civileng-Cadswes |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10334 | Elect, Comp & Energy Engr Dept |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10340 | Mecheng-Mechanical Engineering |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10419 | Center For Stem Learning |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10599 | Atlas |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10842 | Aero Engr-Recuv |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10858 | Engineering Honors Program |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10908 | Bold Center |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10937 | Mortenson Center |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 10958 | Materials Science & Engr Prog |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11010 | Integrated Design Engineering |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11020 | Cosinc |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11028 | Engineering Management Program |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11033 | Idea Forge |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11139 | Ncwit |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11260 | Biomedical Engineering |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | 11341 | Engineering Connections |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0070 | B-College Of Engr&Applied Sci | B0081 | B-Compsci-Computer Science |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | 10349 | Journ-Ctr,Environ Journalism |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | 10959 | Ctr Media Religion & Culture |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | 10988 | Environmental Design |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | 11048 | Intermedia Art, Writing & Perf |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0238 | B-Cmci Office Of The Dean |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0239 | B-Cmci Students & Curriculum |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0241 | B-Cmci Journalism |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0242 | B-Cmci Media Studies |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0243 | B-Cmci Information Science |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0244 | B-Cmci Critical Media Practice |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0245 | B-Cmci Adv, Pr, Media Design |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0083 | B-Vcaa College Media,Comm&Info | B0251 | B-Cmci Communication |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0084 | B-Vcaa-School Of Law | 10352 | Law-Administration |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0084 | B-Vcaa-School Of Law | 10354 | Law-Clinical Education |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0084 | B-Vcaa-School Of Law | 10356 | Law-Law Library |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0084 | B-Vcaa-School Of Law | 10360 | Law-Natl Resources Law Ctr |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0084 | B-Vcaa-School Of Law | 10892 | Silicon Flatirons Center |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0085 | B-Vcaa-College Of Music | 10362 | Music-College Of Music |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0085 | B-Vcaa-College Of Music | 10363 | Music-Macky Auditorium |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0085 | B-Vcaa-College Of Music | 10594 | Cu Presents |
B0167 | B-Evcaa-Academic Units | B0085 | B-Vcaa-College Of Music | 11242 | Music-Thompson Jazz Studies |
B0179 | B-Evc-Coo | 10883 | Evc & Chief Operating Officer | 10883 | Evc & Chief Operating Officer |
B0206 | B-Svc-Athletics | B0004 | B-Intercollegiate Athletics | B0007 | B-Athletics Administration |
B0217 | B-Vc Strategic Relations | B0009 | B-Offc Of Strategic Relations | 10025 | Office Of Strategic Relations |
B0217 | B-Vc Strategic Relations | B0009 | B-Offc Of Strategic Relations | 10225 | World Affairs Conference |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10004 | Data And Analytics | 10004 | Data And Analytics |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10948 | Cio - Information Technology | 10948 | Cio - Information Technology |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10949 | Learning Spaces Technology | 10949 | Learning Spaces Technology |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10950 | Dir Ent Initiatives & Arch | 10950 | Dir Ent Initiatives & Arch |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10951 | It Operations | 10951 | It Engr & Infrastructure |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10952 | It Security | 10952 | It Security |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10953 | Research Computing | 10953 | Research Computing |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10954 | Academic Technology Services | 10954 | Learning Spaces Technology |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 10955 | Academic Tech Research | 10955 | Academic Tech Research |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 11091 | Org Eff. & Cust Engagement | 11091 | Org Eff. & Cust Engagement |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 11138 | Director Es | 11138 | It User Services |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 11204 | Digital Accessibility | 11204 | Digital Accessibility |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 11222 | Enterprise Init & Architecture | 11222 | Enterprise Init & Architecture |
B0222 | B-Svc-Assoc Vc For It & Cio | 11223 | Acad Tech Apps & Design | 11223 | Acad Tech Apps & Design |
B0254 | B-Department Of Public Safety | 11100 | Public Safety | 11100 | Public Safety |
B0254 | B-Department Of Public Safety | B0128 | B-Police Department | B0128 | Police Department |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | 10381 | Counseling & Psych Services | 10381 | Counseling & Psych Services |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | 10450 | Medical Services | 10450 | Medical Services |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | 10750 | Office Of Victim Assistance | 10750 | Office Of Victim Assistance |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | 10754 | Faculty & Staff Assistance Pgm | 10754 | Faculty & Staff Assistance Pgm |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | 11329 | H&W Services | 11329 | H&W Services |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | B0296 | B-Avc Operations & Finance | 10427 | Disability Services |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | B0296 | B-Avc Operations & Finance | 11255 | Student Testing Center |
B0295 | B-Health & Wellness Svcs | B0297 | B-Avc Health & Wellness | 11106 | Health Promotion |
CLASSRM | Centrally Scheduled Classrooms | CLASSRM | Centrally Scheduled Classrooms | CLASSRM | Centrally Scheduled Classrooms |
ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | EMSVC | Employee Services |
ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | INAUD | Internal Audit |
ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | RSKMT | Risk Mgmt |
ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SYS | Cu System | UCNSL | University Counsel |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0001 | Zoetis Us Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0002 | Wavi Co. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0003 | Vitrivax, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0004 | Paladin Technologies |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0005 | U.S. Engineering Construction, Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0007 | Guarantee Electrical Contracting Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0008 | Edgewise Therapeutics |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0009 | Double Helix Optics, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0010 | Arpeggio Biosciences |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0011 | Agilent Technologies |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0013 | Century Environmental Hygiene, Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0014 | Encore Electric |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0015 | Legacy Mechanical, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0016 | Adolfson & Peterson Construction |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0017 | Space Science Institute (Ssi) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0018 | Sun Construction |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0019 | Arlington Electrical |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0020 | Risk Removal |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0022 | United States Geological Survey (Usgs) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0024 | Assoc Of Univ For Research In Astronomy (Aura) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0025 | National Solar Observatory (Nso) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0026 | Red Cross |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0029 | Buffalo Sports Properties |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0030 | The Laughing Goat |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0031 | Violet Peak Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0032 | Foolish Craig'S |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0033 | Pekoe Sip House |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0034 | Hearsay Cafe (Front Range Catering) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0035 | Etai'S Bakery Cafe (Udi'S) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0036 | Spruce Cafe (The Coffee Clinic, Llc) |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0037 | Peace Corps |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0038 | Elevations Credit Union |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0039 | Jamba Juice |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0040 | Infinitus Pie |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0041 | Starbucks |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0042 | Subway |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0043 | Panda Express |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0044 | Rocky Mountain Reserve |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0045 | Darwin Biosciences, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0046 | Mtech Mechanical Technologies Group, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0047 | Tumi Genomics |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0048 | Athletics Lease Out |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0049 | Housing & Dining Lease Out |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0052 | Think Bioscience, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0054 | Mycobacteria Therapeutics Corporation |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0055 | Native American Rights Fund |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0056 | Prohibix, Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0057 | Hyprskn Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0058 | Virridy Dba Sweetsense, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0059 | Suvica, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0060 | Rocky Mountain Trade Adjustment Assistance Center |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0061 | Rudi'S Organic & Gluten Free Brands, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0062 | Rocky Tech Ltd. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0063 | Vitro3D Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0064 | Vesicle Therapeutics, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0065 | Otoro Energy, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0066 | Lambda Metrics Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0067 | Camp4 Therapeutics Corporation |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0068 | Canvas Coffee Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0069 | Hansel Phelps Construction Company |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0070 | Silvis Materials |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0071 | Vortex Biotechnology Corporation |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0072 | Alta Technologies |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0073 | Modendo Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0074 | Piarcs, Pbc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0075 | Lincswitch Therapeutics |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0076 | Psylo Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0077 | Blueprint Sports Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0078 | J&T Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0079 | Biota, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0080 | Seedling Biosystems |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0081 | Osmopure Technologies Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0082 | Mana Battery, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0083 | Irradiant Sensing Corporation |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0084 | Albireo Energy, Llc |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L0085 | Cirena, Inc. |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | L9999 | Leased Vacant |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased |
LEASED | Leased | LEASED | Leased | LSRES | Leased- Residential Res |