Instruments: by Department/Institute/Campus


Instruments By: Department/Institute

BioFrontiers Institute

  1. Analysis Workstation
  2. Bioanalyzer 2100
  3. Illumina NextSeq
  4. Illumina MiSeq
  5. Nikon A1R Laser Scanning Confocal and TIRF
  6. Nikon N-STORM
  7. Nikon Spinning Disc Confocal
  8. Molecular Devices ImageXpress MicroXL
  9. Olympus IX-81 Widefield
  10. Phoenix Dropsetter
  11. QuantStudio 6 Real-Time PCR
  12. Qubit Fluorimeter 3.0
  13. Rigaku R-axisÌý
  14. RockimagerÌý

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

  1. Beckman J2 High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
  2. CEM Discover SP-D 80 Microwave Digester
  3. Micromeritics Gemini VI Surface Area Analyzer
  4. NETZSCH 402C Horizontal Push-rod Dilatometer
  5. NETZSCH Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer
  6. Quantachrome Autosorb-1Ìý

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

  1. AB/Sciex 4000 Qtrap
  2. AB/Sciex Voyager DE-STR
  3. Agilent 6120
  4. Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp by Life Technologies
  5. ATR FT-IR
  6. BD Accuri C6 Cytometer with Automated, multisampler/Flow Cytometer
  7. BDFACSCelesta Flow Cytometer Analyzer
  8. BD FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter
  9. Biomek® FXP Laboratory Automation Workstation
  10. Cary 5000 UV/Vis Spectrometer
  11. Cellomics ArrayScan VTI HCS Reader
  12. CyBi®-Well 96- and 384- Channel Simultaneous Pipettor
  13. Diagenode Bioruptor Standard Sonication System
  14. EnVision Multilabel Plate Reader
  15. Eppendorf Biophotometer
  16. Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804R
  17. Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804R 2
  18. High Vaccum Ion Gauge
  19. Hitachi F-2500 Fluorescence Spectrometer
  20. Nano-Drop Spectrophotometer
  21. NMR Spectrometer-300 Mhz
  22. NMR Spectrometer-400 Mhz-Bruker AV-III 400
  23. NMR Spectrometer-400 Mhz-Varian INOVA 400
  24. NMR Spectrometer-500 MHz
  25. PolarisQ GCMS
  26. Rigaku microfocus x-ray source and Pilatus detector
  27. Tecan Safire 2 Microplate Reader
  28. Thermo LTQ orbitrap
  29. Thermo Nicolet Avatar 360 and 320 FTIR
  30. Thermo Fisher LTQ orbitrap velos
  31. Waters Synapt G2 HDMS

Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

  1. 400 g-ton Centrifuge
  2. BioTek EPOCH Plate Reader (Absorbance)
  3. BioTek Synergy Plate Reader (Luminescence)
  4. BioTek Synergy HT Multi-Mode Plate Reader

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥)

  1. Eppendorf Vacufuge Plus
  2. Retsch Plate Shaker

ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Green Labs

  1. Shared Stirling Ultracold Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
  2. Shared Thermo Scientific Ultracold Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

  1. Eppendorf Vacufuge Plus

Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering

  1. Chemical Hoods
  2. Copper electroplating system
  3. Heidelberg DWL 66FS Laser writer
  4. Karl Suss MJB3 Mask Aligner​
  5. Plasma (dry) Etch
  6. Thermal processes
  7. Thin-film deposition

Department ofÌýGeological Sciences

  1. ASI Alphachron He Extraction and Measurement Line
  2. CO2 Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
  3. Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution Raman Spectrometer
  4. JEOL-8230 Electron Probe Microanalyzer
  5. Light stable isotope continuous flow mass spectrometer
  6. Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 670 and Continuum FTIR Microscope

Integrative Physiology Department

  1. Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R

Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

  1. Thermo High Resolution Magnetic Sector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)

Institute for Behavioral Genetics

  1. COPAS Nematode Biosorter

Institute of Cognitive Science

  1. Biopac MP150
  2. Medoc Pathway Pain System
  3. Siemens 3T Magnetom Prisma fit MRI scanner


  1. Agilent/Varian Cary 500 Spectrophotometer
  2. AXIC PlasmaSTAR Reactive Ion Etcher
  3. Bal-Tec AG Critical Point Dryer
  4. Bruker Dimensional Atomic Force Microscope
  5. Custom Class 10 Assembly Bench
  6. Daktak XT Stylus Profilometer
  7. Edwards Cryo 304 PVD Coating Chamber
  8. FEI Nova NanoSEM 630 Scanning Electron Microscope
  9. J. A. Woollam Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
  10. Jandel HM21 Four-Point Probe
  11. JEOL JSM-6400 Scanning Electron Microscope
  12. JST Manufacturing 48" Polypropylene Wet Processing Station
  13. JST Manufacturing 96" Stainless Steel Wet Processing Station
  14. Karl Suss MJB 3 Mask Aligner and Exposer
  15. Laurell Technologies WS-650Mz - 23NPPB Spin Coater
  16. Leica DMLM Custom Optical Microscope
  17. Lindberg/Blue M HTF55322C Tube Furnace
  18. Terra Universal 2000-18 60" Polypropylene Wet Processing Station
  19. Thermo Scientific/Nicolet FT-IR Spectrometer
  20. West-Bond 7476E and 747630E Wire Bonders
  21. Zygo GPI Fizeau Interferometer

Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology

  1. Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
  2. Beckman L8-70M Ultracentrifuge
  3. Beckman Coulter Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuge
  4. Dell Precision 7910 Analysis PC
  5. Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R
  6. Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient Thermocycler
  7. FEI/Phillips CM100 (100kV) TEM
  8. FEI Tecnai 12 Spirit TEM
  9. FEI Tecnai F20 (200kV) FEG-TEM
  10. FEI Tecnai F30 (300kV) FEG-TEM
  11. Image Analysis Workstation (Dell Precision 7910)
  12. Image Analysis Workstation (Hewlett Packard Z8 G4)
  13. Nikon E600 Upright Widefield Microscope
  14. Nikon N-SIM structured illumination super-resolution and A1 laser scanning confocal microscope
  15. Nikon Inverted Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope
  16. Nikon TiU Widefield Fluorescent and Brightfield (RGB) Microscope
  17. Olympus FVMPE-RS Twin Laser Multi-Photon
  18. Olympus IX81 Widefield Fluorescent Microscope
  19. Leica DMRXA Upright Widefield Microscope
  20. Zeiss 510 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
  21. Yokogawa & Olympus CellVoyagerâ„¢ CV1000 Confocal Scanner

NCF Nanomaterials Characterization Facility

  1. Cressington Carbon Coater

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)

  1. ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Dust Accelerator

Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Center (SEEC)

  1. Thermo Scientific Heratherm Drying Oven

Instruments By: Campus