BAM: Information Science Bachelor's-Accelerated Master's

Increase the return on your investment by earning a bachelor's degree and master's degree at an accelerated pace. The Information Science Bachelor's-Accelerated Master's ("BAM") degree at ֱ Boulder has been created in recognition of the increasing demand for master's level training and research skills.

The BAM has the same number of required credits as a regularbachelor's degreeand master'sprogram. The difference comes from being able to complete several of yourmaster's degreecourses while you are still completing yourundergraduatecourses.

Students may take up to and including 12 credit hours while in the undergraduate program which can later be used toward Master’s degree requirements. Six credits may be double-counted toward both the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. Double counted courses may not be used toward a subsequent doctoral program (or additional master’s program) at ֱ Boulder.

Process for Admission to the Program with “Intent” Form:

  • A major GPA of 3.5 is required for admission
  • Students should attach to their intent form:
    • Two letters of recommendation from current information science core or courtesy faculty
    • Astatement of interest (maximum of 2 pages) for applying to the BAM program
    • Atentative list of courses that would enable completion in coordination with their letter writers (to the extent that future schedules are visible)
  • An established faculty advisor relationship (reflected in the recommendation letters and list of courses) is also expected
  • Applications must be recived by Feb. 1
  • Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA at all times in the program
  • Students must apply to graduate at the beginning of the semester in which they will complete the bachelor’s degree requirements
  • Students must apply to continue with the master’s degree program
  • Students will be matriculated into the master’s program without further program review
  • Students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA while in the master’s program, including in the courses being used toward the master’s degree

Graduate courses will not be counted as satisfying program requirements unless a grade of “B” or higher is earned.

Student Voices: Why ֱ?

Alyx Carifa, BAM student

"Through my experience in Information Science and the BAM program, I have cultivated a profound sense of community. Building strong relationships with both my professors and peers within this close-knit environment has been instrumental in keeping me inspired and motivated each day. It has fueled my drive to actively participate and refine complementary skills necessary to achieve my career goals."

Elijah Boykoff, BAM student

"The vibrancy and eclectic nature of the INFO department was immediately appealing to me my first year at ֱ. After transferring into INFO, I have been able to receive an education that both challenges me and I enjoy, while joining an academic community unlike any other at the university. The BAM program has allowed me to feel even closer to that community, as well as have the opportunity to participate in fascinating faculty and graduate student research."

Jessica Wang, BAM student

"I am a BAM student working in Leysia Palen’s Lab. I chose Information Science at ֱ because I’ve always been curious about studying the relationship between technology and people. Especially because we live in a world now where technology plays such a prominent role in our lives andInformation Science is the perfect major to study this."

Anticipated Plan of Study

For students accepted into the BAM program. * denotes MS-level requirements

Third Year (BS)

Fall Semester
Spring Semester

(application to the BAM program)

Fourth Year (BS)

Fall Semester

(admittance to the BAM program)

  • INFO 4001—1 credit hour
  • INFO Graduate Elective(5000-level)—3*
  • INFO Mastery—3

(additional courses to complete BS)

Spring Semester
  • INFO 4700 Capstone—3 credit hours
  • INFO Graduate Elective (5000-level)—3*
  • INFO Graduate Seminar (INFO 6500)—1*

(additional courses to complete BS)

Fifth Year (MS)

Fall Semester
  • INFO grad-level methods course—3 credit hours*
  • 2 x grad-level breadth courses—6*
  • MS Thesis/Project—3*
  • INFO Graduate Seminar (INFO 6500)—1*
Spring Semester
  • INFO grad-level [design] theory—3 credit hours*
  • Grad-level breadth course—3*
  • MS Thesis/Project—3*
  • INFO Graduate Seminar(INFO 6500)—1*