CMCI Email Listservs
As part of a campus-wide transition to Google Groups, there have been some changes to our college-level listservs. Please use the guide below if you need to communicate with the college community.
The addresses for all ֱ lists have changed, effective immediately, and now end with “” instead of “”.Messages sent to old addresses will be returned as undeliverable. Please update your email address book accordingly.
- full-time faculty, courtesy faculty, and emeritus faculty
- full-time CMCI faculty only
- all CMCI staff
- CMCI graduate students
Your department or other groups may use other lists not included here. Please contact your administrator with department/unit-specific questions.
These lists are moderated and therefore there may be a delay between when you send your message and when your message is approved. If your message is time-sensitive, please contactthe CMCI Dean'sOffice,Errol Hughesǰ Amanda McManus during business hours. For thecmci-grads@colorado.edulist, please contactJorge Garza.
As a reminder, please use discretion when emailing large lists such as these and remember not to “reply all” unless you mean to! Your reply-all message may be rejected.
Please note: These lists are different from the CMCI Today newsletter editions emailed separately to faculty/staff, graduate students and undergraduates.