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The Leeds Scholars Program is a highly selective honors and leadership program that unites top undergraduate business students to be exemplars of the overall Leeds School of Business vision. The Leeds Scholars Program emphasizes community engagement, professional development, and global vision.

Leeds Scholars have unique opportunities to participate in programming to advance global and cultural awareness, cultivate innovative thinking, and become leaders in the ever-changing business world. Throughout the program, Scholars collaborate with other high-performing students and business professionals to solve problems inside and outside of the classroom.

Fall Semester

The first semester of the program is spent introducing Leeds Scholars to opportunities and resources that the Leeds School of Business has to offer. This immersion is achieved in the following ways:

  • All Leeds Scholars Program participants are required to attend a weekend retreat. This retreat is designed to introduce first-year Scholars to program expectations, opportunities, and the Leeds Scholars community.
  • A 1.5credit hour seminar course is required for all Leeds Scholars in the fall semester. During this weekly seminar course, Scholars meet with University leaders and Leeds Scholars Program Staff to learn about a wide range of useful resources, learning and leadership opportunities, and support systems within the Leeds School of Business.

Spring Semester

Throughout the spring semester, Leeds Scholars continue to engage with the program and community and participate in the following:

  • A two-credit global seminar course is required for all first-year Scholars. This weekly course is designed to introduce global and international concepts to the students as well as prepare them for their Global Experience (historically in South Africa or Japan).
  • The first-year global experience is a 7-10 day trip integrated with the seminar course that takes place in May. The trip is designed to give program members exposure to global business and markets, cultural differences, and geopolitical climates.

During the second and third years, students in the program will receive a progression of professional development workshops (led by industry leaders and professional vendors) along with participating in a year-long community outreach project. The community outreach project is organized and/or designed by Leeds Scholars with the intention of students giving back to the local community. Promoting a culture of volunteerism is one of several goals of this project.

Professional Development Workshops

Leeds Scholars will participate in intensives delivered by experts in specific fields or skills. Leeds Scholars are required to attend a workshop in each of the areas over the second and third years.

Topics currently include exposure to and practice in the following areas:

  • Critical Thinking/Group Problem Solving
  • Innovation/Creativity/Collaboration
  • Project Management
  • Technical Business Skills
  • Business Planning/Research
  • Emotional Intelligence/Interpersonal Communication
  • Leadership/Community Engagement
  • Advanced MS Excel Training
  • Case Interview Preparation Techniques

Outreach Projects

Outreach Projects are designed by Leeds Scholars involving research, collaboration, and implementation. The outreach projects have checkpoints and oversight throughout the year including LSP alumni mentorswith the expectation of a finalized project or design.

Examples of Outreach Projects

  • KidsTek Annual College Readiness Workshops & ֱ Visit
  • ֱ Code Annual STEM Workshop
  • Telluride AIDS Benefit marketing consulting
  • Outdoor Access for All hiking trip

Seniors Giving Back

Senior year in the Leeds Scholars Program focuses on securing a full-time job and “giving back”.Students have ample opportunities to mentor younger students in the program, participate in panel discussions, assist with marketing presentations, and reflect on their college experience. This is an integral year of working with program members and staff to share experiences and drive change to keep the program moving forward.

In addition to the programming and academic support provided by the directors, Leeds Scholars offers the following opportunities:


In the first year of the program, each Leeds Scholar is required to reach out toupperclassman Leeds Scholars. From this outreach, students are able to expand their knowledge of general education, career path, and extracurricular activities. As second-year students, Leeds Scholars have the option to be mentored by young alumni of the Leeds School of Business and other seasoned professionals within their area of interest. As juniors, Scholars may receive professional mentorship from a Leeds alumnus with more than ten years of experience in the Scholar’s area of interest. There are also opportunities to be mentored by members of the , University staff and faculty, and industry leaders.

Opportunity Funding

The Leeds Scholars Program offers each member a first-year global business and experiential trek (if travel is feasible), and a$4,000 opportunity fund.Previous global treks include Buenos Aires, Argentina;Cape Town, South Africa;and Tokyo, Japan.The opportunity fund may be used for a tuition scholarship (up to $1,000 per year), unpaid internship, service learning opportunity, attending a conference, or other opportunities to enhance professional and personal growth.

Individual Coaching

Leeds Scholars receive ongoing coaching directly from the Leeds Scholars directors. Formalized meetings occur each semester and informal coaching occurs as needed or requested.

Academic Excellence

Leeds Scholars are selected for their past academic performance and will be expected to maintain that quality of excellence throughout their Leeds Scholars experience. To remain a Leeds Scholar and receive funding from the program, a Leeds Scholar must maintain a 3.5 GPA.


Leeds Scholars are selected for their involvement in their high schools and communities. Because of this, Scholars are encouraged to continue developing their leadership and professional development skills and engage with the University of ֱ Boulder in a way that is meaningful to them.

  • Leeds Scholars must show participation in student groups and organizations outside of our core program.
  • They must actively join and participate in one additional extracurricular within the Leeds School of Business in their Freshman/Sophomore years.

Scholarships and Grants

The Leeds Scholars Program offers each member a first-year global business and experiential trek (if travel is feasible), and a$4,000 opportunity fund.Previous global treks include Buenos Aires, Argentina;Cape Town, South Africa; Tokyo, Japan; and Reykjavik, Iceland. The opportunity fund may be used for a tuition scholarship (up to $1,000 per year), unpaid internship, service learning opportunity, attending a conference, or other opportunities to enhance professional and personal growth.