Published: Aug. 6, 1997

John Bernhard, vice chancellor for administration and finance at the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Denver, has withdrawn his candidacy for the position of vice chancellor for administration at the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Boulder.

Bernhard said he made the decision “after considerable thought and after receiving a lot of advice.”

“It was a close call from my perspective,” Bernhard said. “It would have been an honor to be a part of Chancellor Dick Byyny’s team, but the job was not structured in a way that took best advantage of my background and experience.”

Bernhard also said he was “very committed to the urban mission of the Denver campus and its future. I like being part of the small and cohesive top management team we have there.”

Byyny said he accepted BernhardÂ’s decision with regret. “However, I understand his perspective, given his deep commitment to ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥-Denver and the concept of the new urban university it embodies. I wish him much success in his future endeavors.”

Byyny said he will make a final decision on his recommendation to the ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Board of Regents within the next few days. The other finalist for the position is Paul Tabolt, director of facilities management at ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥-Boulder.