Services, Eligibility and Fees
Student Legal Services (SLS) provides consultations in a variety of legal areas. Representation is also available for many issues. While information on the most common types of legal matters we see in our office is available below, we offer many services in addition to what is listed.
If a student’s legal problem falls outside the areas noted below, we may still be able to help. We’ve probably dealt with the issue before andeven if we haven’t, we’ll be happy to help if we can.
Services we do not provide
Consultation fees foreligible students:
- $30if the full student activity fee for the current term has been paid.
- $35 if the base student activity fee for the current term has been paid.
- $35 if the consultation takes place within three months of the last term for which a student activity fee was paid.
SLS charges consultation fees per student per legal issue; however, the fee structure is slightly different when criminal co-defendants or tenants with the same legal issue come in together to meet with us.Note that consultations on landlord/tenant matters are free.
For most legal issues, the consultation fee includes up to a one-hour meeting with an SLS lawyer and, if needed, up to a one-hour follow-up meeting with the same lawyer. Some types of consultations do not include a follow-up appointment.
Tobe represented by a SLSattorney, a student must consult with SLS about the legal issue, sign our fee agreement and pay to us an additional amount called a services retainer. The services retainer covers SLS’s services work and will be either in the form of a flat fee or an hourly rate. The amount of the services retainer will depend on several factors, including:
- The type, seriousness and number of legal issues.
- The amount of work the attorney needs to do to help with the issue(s).
- The locations of any courts where cases have been or may be filed.
Most SLSservices retainers are flat fee, meaning that there is a set amount paid to SLS for attorney representation. Flat fees generally range from $100 to $2,850, depending on a student’s circumstances. Students with documentation of certain Federal financial aid may qualify for a partial fee waiver.
On certain types of cases, SLSattorneys must be hired by the hour. In these situations, a student must pay an initial services retainer, and then supplement the services retainer with additional money as needed to cover SLS’s hourly rate. Students with documentation of certain Federal financial aid may qualify for a partial rate adjustment.
Depending on the situation, a cost retainer may also be required by SLS. A cost retainer is used to pay for expenses associated with SLS’s representation, such as fees for filing documents, requesting juries, blood retests and expert witnesses, as well as things like case investigation and subpoena service. We do not collect cost retainers unless such expenses are anticipated. Because student clients are responsible for all expenses associated with SLS’s representation, they may have to supplement their cost retainer accounts one or more times.
If a student’s case is one that the SLS attorney is willing to take on and the student wants to hire SLS, the attorney will discuss the services and costs retainers at a consultation. Services and cost retainer information would also be outlined in our fee agreement.
Please note that even if a student meets theeligibility requirements, there is no guarantee that an SLS attorney will take the student on as a client or continue to represent the student until the legal situation is resolved. For example, some legal issues require resources the office does not have and sometimeslimitations on our servicesor other issues prevent representation. In the event we cannot provide legal services, we will do our best to refer to another lawyer who can.
Students often also have to pay money related to their legal issues to organizations or people other than SLS. Money paid to SLS is only for consultation fees and, as appropriate, retainers for services and costs; it never covers any other financial obligations of students. Such financial obligations often result from the resolution of a legal matter and may include those noted below.
- Payments required by a court, such as those for:
- Court fines, fees, costs, surcharges and restitution (paid to the court)
- Probation supervision (paid to either the court or the probation office)
- Community service (paid to either the court or the community service office)
- Classes (paid to the class providers)
- Drug testing (paid to the testing agency)
- Money awarded to another party to a case (typically paid directly to the prevailing party)
- Payments agreed to in settlement of a case
Limitations on services
Student Legal Services’ (SLS) mission of providing professional legal services toeligibleֱ Boulder students is limited. We try to help as many students as we can in as many situations as we can but sometimes we will be unable to do so because of the, university rules or other reasons. Some of the common problematic situations we encounter are detailed below.
- An attorney/client relationship is not established just by reading information posted on this website and/or contacting Student Legal Services (SLS).
- The sole purpose of this website is to provide potential SLS clients with general information about our office and services, as well asapplicable state and local resources. The website is not intended as a substitute for legal analysis and/or advice provided by a properly licensed attorney. Users should seek legal counsel regarding their individual situations.
- While all information on this website has been reviewed and is believed to be reasonably accurate, SLS cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. We askusers who find errors in or have complaints about the information on this website to please let us know as soon as possible.
- The University of ֱ Boulder, including Student Legal Services, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy in admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, its educational programs and activities.