The mission of the chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) at the University of ֱ Boulder is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. That said, NSBE does not operate as an exclusive organization, and its current membership includes students of various races and creeds.

We appreciate any level of support as it provides critical support for us to fulfill the NSBE mission through various on-campus activities and off-campus outreach efforts. More specifically, the funds received were indispensable towards:

  • Hosting NSBE’s weekly meetings with our membership at which the organization often invites guest speakers/lecturers and offers light refreshments to further incentivize students to attend.
  • Holding occasional study nights as a hub for students to benefit from academic support from their peers. Light meals would often be served at these events.
  • Social/Cultural events.
  • Transportation and/or contribution to gain materials for our chapter members who volunteer at the meetings of the newly formed NSBE Jr Chapter in ֱ, a pre-collegiate initiative to encourage under-represented minority participation in STEM.

Our continued emphasis on having active members attend annual Regional and National NSBE conferences for networking, personal/professional development, and invaluable job opportunities. Those events provide well-needed exposure to large numbers of students, fellow academics, industry professionals/practitioners, and significant employers. The opportunity to attend those conventions often leads to the possibility of employment, academic and professional self-development. Convention attendance also enhances our local chapter’s leadership by the sharing of ideas and experiences with other NSBE chapter executives with the goal to have younger students become local executives and keep the chapter alive.

We remain grateful for the financial support received, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our sponsors who contribute to our success and to that of our members.

If you are interested in sponsoring NSBE, please

  1. Fill out the intent to sponsor form
  2. Visit the ֱ Foundation Donation page for NSBE or mail a check payable to “University of ֱ Foundation”, to: College of Engineering & Applied Science c/o Advancement 422 UCB Boulder, CO 80309 On the check memo, please indicate “NSBE ֱ Boulder Chapter
  3. Link to Sponsor Packet

What Sponsorship can look like:

  1. Employment opportunities such as summer jobs, internships, and/or permanent hires
  2. Company presentations to inform about employment at your company
  3. Company tours for pre-college and/or college students
  4. Job shadowing experiences for pre-college and/or college students
  5. A contribution for general support to our ֱ University NSBE chapter
  6. A contribution to sponsor an event or activity, e.g., outreach, study session, etc.
  7. A contribution to be awarded to a member for outstanding achievement
  8. A contribution to award a scholarship to a student who meets your criteria
  9. Sponsorship of student(s) to the NSBE National Conference
  10. In-kind contributions of usable, surplus/outdated equipment/furniture
  11. Items with your companies logo to be given as gifts/incentive awards

Bronze (Cash Value of Donation $500-$1000) ·

  • Information Session (meeting) with the general members
  • Acknowledgment on NSBE social media platforms
  • Logo placed on NSBE- Boulder Website for the duration of one academic semester

Silver (Cash Value of Donation $1000-$3000) ·

  • All Bronze level benefits.
  • Logo placed on NSBE- Boulder Website for the duration of one academic year
  • Resume/CV of all NSBE- Boulder members

Gold (Cash Value of Donation > $3000) ·

  • All Silver level benefits.
  • A set award amount in your name presented to a deserving general NSBE- Boulder member

NSBE Would Like to Thank and Acknowledge the Following 2023-2024Sponsors:

  • Chevron
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Veolia