Please see the full solicitation for complete information about the funding opportunity. Below is a summary assembled by the Research & Innovation Office (RIO).

Program Summary

’sBig Idea is a visionary, national-scale activity to enable new modes of data-driven discovery, allowing fundamentally new questions to be asked and answered in science and engineering frontiers, generating new knowledge and understanding, and accelerating discovery and innovation. TheData Science Corpsis one of the components of the HDR ecosystem, focusing on building capacity for harnessing the data revolution at the local, state, national, and international levels to help unleash the power of data in the service of science and society. As a first step in establishing theData Science Corps, this solicitation focuses specifically on enabling participation by undergraduate students in theData Science Corps,by supporting student stipends for participation in data science projects and supporting integration of real-world data science projects into classroom instruction. Where possible, organizations are encouraged to facilitate participation in theData Science Corpsby adding a data science “track” to their existing internship, traineeship, study abroad, or other similar programs. The community/organization being served should be integrated into decision making about project design and implementation.

Projects responding to this solicitation should embrace diversity among participating organizations, e.g., by reaching across many types of IHEs, including research universities, two- and four-year colleges, and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs). Proposals responding to this solicitation must be structured to includeonecoordinating organization, andone or moreimplementation organizations. Proposals involving partnerships with MSIs and focusing on underserved communities/organizations are especially encouraged.


ֱ Internal Deadline: 11:59pm MST November 28, 2018

Sponsor Application Deadline: 5:00pm MST February 4, 2019

Internal Application Requirements (all in PDF format)

  • Project Description (2-3 pages): Please include the following elements: proposed award structure and roles of participating organizations, overall goals, objectives, and expected outcomes, integration into curriculum in data science, participant/student preparation, projects and communities to be served, and sustainability beyond award duration.
  • PI CV / Biosketch
  • Budget Overview (up to 1 page): A basic budget outlining project costs is sufficient; detailed OCG budgets are not required. Please note that awards are expected to support about 25-30 students per year at approximately $5,000 per student toward stipends budget in Participant Support. The overall project budget in year 3 is expected to be less than in years 1 and 2, in anticipation of transitioning the award to other source(s) of funds.

To access the online application, visit:


There are no special eligibility requirements.

Limited Submission Guidelines

Only one proposal is permitted per organization.

Award Information

Award Amount: Awards will typically be in the range of $1,000,000 to $1,200,000.

Total Funding Available: Up to $10,000,000 is expected to be available for eight to eleven awards, for 3 years each, subject to the availability of funds.

Award Duration: 3 years.