The Distinguished Life and Career of George Gamow

The Personal and Professional Life of George Gamow

A documentary about George Gamow's Life is now available onÌý.

1904ÌýBorn, March 4, Odessa, Russia
ÌýÌýIn his school days Gamow became very much interested in astronomy, examining the starry sky through a little telescope, his father's present on the thirteenth birthday of his son. Gamow then decided to become a scientist and began his study of mathematics, physics, and astronomy.
1922-1923Student at Novorossia University, Odessa
1923-1929Student at University of Leningrad
ÌýÌýAfter graduation from the University of Leningrad in 1926, he attended summer school in Gottingen and decided to see if the newly-formulated quantum theory, so successful in explaining the structure of the atom, could also be applied to the atomic nucleus. Through research he was able to explain the then-mysterious phenomenon of natural radioactivity as well as the experiments of Lord Rutherford on the induced transformation of light elements. On the basis of this research, Gamow received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Leningrad.
1928-1929Fellow of Theoretical Physics Institute of the University of Copenhagen

Later, in Copenhagen, when he told Niels Bohr of his work, Bohr offered him a year at the Institute of Theoretical Physics on a stipend from the Royal Danish Academy. There Gamow proposed a hypothesis that atomic nuclei can be treated as little droplets of so-called "nuclear fluid." These views led ultimately to the present theory of nuclear fission and fusion.

At this period Gamow also collaborated with F. Houtermans and R. Atkinson in attempts to apply his formula for calculating the rate of induced nuclear transformations to the so-called thermonuclear reaction in the interior of the Sun and other stars. This formula, originally applied only to astronomical topics, is now successfully used for designing H-bombs, as well as for studying the possibility of controlled thermonuclear reactions.

1929-1930Rockefeller Fellow, Cambridge University
1930-1931Fellow of Theoretical Physics Institute of the University of Copenhagen
1931ÌýMarried Lyubov Vokhminzeva; divorced 1956Ìý
1931-1933Professor, University of Leningrad
ÌýÌýGamow spent a year working with Lord Rutherford at Cambridge, a second year in Copenhagen, and later became a professor at the University of Leningrad.
1933-1934Fellow of Pierre Curie Institute, Paris
Visiting Professor, University of London
Ìý1934Lecturer, University of Michigan
ÌýÌýWhile attending the International Solvay Congress in Brussels, he was invited, in the summer of 1934, to lecture at the University of Michigan.
1934-1956Professor, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

During the early years in Washington he collaboratedwith Edward Teller on the theory of beta-decay, and formulated the so-called "Gamow-Teller Selection Rule for Beta Emission."

While Gamow was in Washington he developed the theory of the internal structure of red giant stars. With Mario Schoenberg he developed the theory of the so-called Urca process; and, with Ralph Alpher, the theory of the origin of chemical elements by the process of successive neutron capture.

Ìý1935Son,ÌýRustem Igor, born
Ìý1954Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley
ÌýÌýIn 1954 Gamow developed an interest in biological phenomena and published papers on the information storage and transfer in a living cell. In these papers he proposed the so-called "genetic code," an idea later completely confirmed by experimental studies in laboratories.
1956-1968Professor, University Of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥
Ìý1956Awarded Kalinga Prize by UNESCO for popularization of science
Ìý1958Married Barbara Perkins ("Perky")
Ìý1965Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge University
Ìý1968George Gamow Passed Away at Age 64
ÌýÌýThe George Gamow Memorial Lectures were initiated by the Department of Physics and Mrs. Barbara Gamow after the death of her husband. The lecture series began in 1971 and is now maintained by a bequest to the Regents of the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ from the Will of Mrs. Barbara Gamow, who died in December 1975.

The Distinguished Career of George Gamow

George Gamow's fame as a physicist began with his theory that explained the radioactive alpha particle decay of atomic nuclei. In his cosmological studies, he is known for the "big bang" theory of the origin of the universe, and in 1954 his studies in biology led him to suggest that the genetic code was a triplet code. This concept is fundamental to modern biology. He was perhaps most widely known for his popular writings on science that introduced millions of readers to the concepts of relativity and atomic and nuclear physics. These writings have been translated into several dozen languages. In recognition of the global impact of his popular scientific writings, the United National awarded him with the Kalinga Prize in 1956.

Career Highlights

1928Explained nuclear alpha decay by quantum mechanical tunneling;
1928Pioneered the liquid-drop model in nuclear physics;
1936Described, with Edward Teller, spin-induced nuclear beta decay;
1938Introduced the "Gamow" factor in stellar reaction rates and element formation;
1939Modeled red giants, supernovae, and neutron stars;
Developed the "Big Bang Theory" of the universe;
1954First suggested how the genetic code might be transcribed;
Wrote the popular science fiction series, the "Adventures of Mr. Tompkins"
(most recently reprinted in 2001).

George Gamow's Writing

"It was a bank holiday, and Mr. Tompkins, the little clerk of a big city bank, slept late and had a leisurely breakfast. Trying to plan his day, he first thought about going to some afternoon movie and, opening the morning paper, turned to the entertainment page. But none of the films looked attractive to him. He detested all this Hollywood stuff, with infinite romances between popular stars.

"If only there were at least one film with some real adventure, something unusual and maybe even fantastic about it. But there was none. Unexpectedly, his eye fell on a little notice in the corner of the page. The local university was announcing a series of lectures on the problems of modern physics, and this afternoon's lecture was to be about Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Well, that might be something!"

So begins the first chapter of "Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland."

George Gamow was perhaps most widely known for his popular writings on science that introduced millions of readers to concepts of relativity and atomic and nuclear physics. These writings have been translated into several dozen languages. In recognition of the global impact of his popular scientific writings, he was awarded the Kalinga Prize by the United Nations in 1956.

The Mr. Tompkins Series

1939ÌýMr. Tompkins in Wonderland
1944ÌýMr. Tompkins Explores the Atom
1953ÌýMr. Tompkins Learns the Facts of Life
1967ÌýMr. Tompkins Inside Himself

Other Popular Writing

1940ÌýThe Birth and Death of the Sun
1941ÌýBiography of the Earth
1947ÌýOne, Two, Three. . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science
1953ÌýThe Moon
1961ÌýBiography of Physics
1963ÌýA Planet Called Earth
1964ÌýA Star Called the Sun
1966ÌýThirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory

Science Text Books

1931ÌýThe Constitution of Atomic Nuclei and Radioactivity
1937ÌýStructure of Atomic Nuclei and Nuclear Transformations
1947ÌýAtomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life
1949ÌýTheory of Atomic Nucleus and Nuclear Energy Sources, with C.L. Critchfield
1952ÌýThe Creation of the Universe
1958ÌýMatter, Earth & Sky, with John M. Cleveland
1960ÌýPhysics: Foundations & Frontiers
1961ÌýThe Atom and its Nucleus