Published: Nov. 30, 2021 By

A. FlachCongratulations to Outstanding Graduating Senior Ariel Flach, a dual degree student earning both a Bachelor of Music Performance (flute) and a Bachelor of Music Education! Flach personifies the College of Music’s vision of the “universal musician,” emphasizing students’ preparedness for flexible careers through enhanced education.

Flach was drawn to our college because of the variety of opportunities offered, encouragement from faculty and donors, and the support of their flute professor, Christina Jennings, “who exemplifies ֱ music faculty’s commitment to student wellness and creativity. Her innovative teaching style combined with her passionate musicianship have brought out the best in me,” says Flach.

Honored to receive recognition as Outstanding Graduating Senior, Flach is grateful for the College of Music as it “provided me countless opportunities to develop my own voice as a musician, educator and human being. I loved having the opportunity to pursue excellence both musically and academically through the performances, projects and leadership initiatives my peers and I worked so hard on.”

“I’m most thankful to have collaborated with so many stellar, passionate musicians—the students, faculty and College of Music community overall. Their commitment to creating beauty in this world inspires me.”

They continue, “I couldn’t have asked for better colleagues to learn with. Weathering the events of 2020 and 2021 together bound us together in unique ways, and we continue to rely on one another through unprecedented and uncomfortable circumstances.”

“The community I got to be part of at the College of Music is resilient, creative and dedicated to creating a more beautiful world. I’m so thankful to be a part of it.”

Says Matthew Roeder, associate dean for undergraduate studies and enrollment management, and associate professor of conducting and music education: “The faculty recognized Ariel as having a strong track record of scholarship, musicianship and an emerging record of service and leadership. Ariel has been heavily involved in the ֱ Chapter of the National Association for Music Education serving as a leader in this student group focused on music education. Ariel has also been dedicated to and highly involved in our Diverse Musicians’ Alliance.”

Following graduation, Flach has accepted a long-term substitute teaching position instructing kindergarten through fifth-grade students. They will also continue to work as a freelance flutist, performing and teaching private students, and they hope to teach middle or high school band beginning fall 2022 … and to attend graduate school in the not-too-distant future.