Published: Aug. 22, 2014


Indian classical master Rajeev Taranath comes to ֱ-Boulder Sept. 6-23, 2014

, one of the world’s true masters of North Indian classical music and the sarod—a richly textured relative of the lute—will teach and perform during a Sept. 6-23 residency at the University of ֱ Boulder College of Music.

“Rajeev Taranath is one of the foremost teachers and performers of North Indian classical music internationally,” says Paul Erhard, professor of double bass. “Needless to say, the opportunity to gain his perspective and wisdom not only into his art form but also into the art of making music is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to be missed.”

Taranath is a distinguished disciple of the late, legendary sarod maestro ,a master in one of the most important 20th-century instrumental music lineages, which also includedthe renownedsitarist . Taranath has performed and taught all over the world, from Hong Kong to Australia to New York, and in 2000 he received the Sangeet Ntak Akademi Award, India’s highest honor for the arts.

“Rajeev Taranath's sarod improvisations (mix) the spiritual and the spirited … with introspective meditation and … exuberant rhythmic celebration,” writes Edward Rothstein of The New York Times

Taranath returns to ֱ-Boulder as part of the Roser Visiting Artist program. The residency will include public classes covering the basic elements of Indian classical music—raga (melody), tala (rhythm) and bhava (expression)—improvisation techniques and how to listen to Indian classical music.

He also will give two public performances, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7 and 21 in Grusin Music Hall.

“After his first successful visit to ֱ-Boulder in 2012, we conceived the concept of a longer residency to give students and the public an opportunity to gain more exposer and deeper understanding to this music and Dr. Taranath’s masterful instruction,” Erhard says.“All members of the Boulder community are welcome to attend any of the 15 free residency evening sessions.”