Published: Nov. 13, 2012
This Week on Entrepreneurship Wednesdays:Resume & CV Open Hour & Feedback session
Join Professor Nytch and Career Services Asst. Director Jon Schlesinger for an open working session on resumes, CVs, and cover letters. We’ll take as many folks as we can on a first-come, first-served basis, so bring your stuff we’ll work with you to make them as strong as possible!
Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00
C-113 (Conference Room)

Free Pizza!

The New Venture Challenge is gearing up again:Pitch Night TONIGHT!Have an idea you’re thinking of developing? Make a quick verbal pitch to a team of entrepreneurs, find teammates to join you, and get some awesome feedback! To register for Pitch Night, visit here:
See theFAQsall the way at the end of this week’s issue for a little more about what this is and why YOU should be involved.

ARTICLES OF THE WEEK:A Thanksgiving Potpourri

The Economic Crisis & the Creative ClassRichard Florida summarizes a fascinating study of unemployment in creative industries vs. the economy at-large

Museums bring dance into their exhibitsHow might we apply this to music? Hmmmm…..

Tony Woodcock (President of NEC) asks: “So what if the [orchestra] crisis isn’t really about money?”Read this articleè


I came across an interesting blog this week by a guy named Tom Hood. In it Hood said that the mark of a true leader is the ability to navigate through the gray areas of life. I liked this thought; it resonated with me. See, we often look at life in binary terms – right/wrong, good/bad, or, as we just experienced in the election, red state/blue state. But the truth is that most of life takes place somewhere in the middle of these polarities (we saw this in the election, too, where when one breaks down political affiliation by county and population density, one quickly sees most of the country as various shades of purple – red & blue mixed together). These middle points, these points between poles, are the so-called “gray areas:” places of ambiguity, where the clear choice is anything but clear, and where there are sometimes compelling arguments on both sides of the issue. Hood was making the point that it’s in these times that we show our true character as leaders (and, I would argue, our true character as individuals).

I often wonder about musicians in this regard, because our musical studies have a coupon for creating the false sense that things are always cut-and-dried: either you kacked that note or you didn’t; either you were sharp or you were on-pitch; either your rushed that triplet or you didn’t. In our quest for technical excellence, I think we can lose sight of the fact that these right/wrong elements are only the beginning building blocks of our artistry. Makingmusic,is so much more: the difference between a great artist and one who is merely technically proficient lies in the ability of the artist to take us into those gray places and tell us something about what we find there. The subtle turn of a phrase, a shift in color, the rubato that isjust right…these are things that make music worth experiencing (whether one is a performer or a listener).

A dear friend of mine used to say, “The value of a good education is the development of a healthy appreciation for the ambiguous.” What are you doing in your education to develop such an appreciation? Are you engaging your studies with an open, inquiring mind, always considering alternative views and challenging your own assumptions? As you practice your art, are you daring to go outside your comfort zone and explore new possibilities – even if you don’t know where they’re leading? As you look ahead to your career goals, are you open to avenues you hadn’t previously considered, accepting the fact that sometimes what might seem like a diversion is actually an opportunity? The entrepreneurial mindset teaches us that embracing ambiguity can often be the gateway to new possibilities we could never otherwise see. So rather than shying away from those gray areas, dare to dive into them: you just mind uncover wonders you never imagined.

(Now, go back and read that blog by Tony Woodcock. No really.)

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And without further adieu…

The Video of the Week!

Keep those videos coming…

For some reason, this gave me uncontrollable giggle fits… Thanks to Leanne Hampton for sharing!


Once again we’ll put our discussion of “commoditization vs. value” on hold while we take some time to answer a few questions regarding theNew Venture Challenge:what is it and how does it work and why should you care about it?

What is the New Venture Challenge (NVC)? The NVC is the campus-wide venture plan competition. Teams of students from disciplines across campus compete amongst themselves in “tracks” (Music, Clean Tech, I.T., and Social Impact) and then the winners of each track compete in a Finals competition for the grand prize. Music Track winners receive a$3,000 prize; the Grand Prize winner receives up to$10,000 more in prizesand other perks.

What is a Venture Plan? A venture plan (also commonly called a “business plan”) is an outline of any sort of operation: a for-profit business, all manner of non-profit organizations, an ensemble, a music festival…anything can be a venture. The plan describes the venture (what it does, who it’s for, how it operates) and outlines a plan for launching and sustaining it.

Do I have to have a plan already in order to participate?NO.In fact, that’s the whole point of the NVC: to guide you through the process of developing your idea and creating a plan to make it happen. So at this stage, a mere notion of something you’ve been thinking of doing is enough!

That sounds intimidating. What sorts of help will I have? That’s the other point of the NVC: it’s not just the competition (which doesn’t happen until next Spring). It’s workshops, mentoring, lectures, and practice sessions, all designed to help you develop your ideas, polish your plan, and present it convincingly. You’ll have lots of help & resources to do this – including other students, if you decide to form a team.

I dunno…I’m still not sure…You don’t have to commit to participate in the competition until January.Then come visit Prof. Nytch and let’s talk about it!

The Entrepreneurship Center for Music •Jeffrey Nytch, DMA, Director•Office Hours: T/Th: 9-11 a.m. W: 2-4 p.m.– or by appointment

Entrepreneurship Wednesdays: 5-6:30 p.m., C-113 • Follow us on


The Opportunity UPBEAT! is your weekly listing of job postings and other professional opportunities that come the way of the ECM. Check this space out for jobs, volunteer opportunities, internships, grants, festival auditions, and more!

THE GRADUATE SCHOOLofferspartial travel fundingfor graduate students to present research findings at meetings or conferences outside ֱ. The grant application for travel occurring 1/1/13-6/30/13 will open on November 15, 2012 at 9:00am. Funding goes very quickly, so be sure to apply early! The link to the application will be available here:

LANDAU MUSICis now hiringmusicians to perform on cruise ships. Destinations include: Europe, Australia, Caribbean, Hawaii, etc. Free Room/Food/Travel. Production shows (Broadway, Pop Review), Headliner shows ,Top 40 sets , Jazz Combo sets, Big Band sets, and more. Our auditions are done online and we are seekingexperienced musicians who are are: 1) Solid readers, 2) Proficient in all styles, and 3) Have a great attitude.Positions are currently available forthe following instruments: Keys, Drums, Bass, Guitar, Trumpet, and Sax. For more information, contact Steve Such, Music Manager:steve@landaumusic.com858.755.3320,

THE PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL is now accepting applications for summer study with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. For more information, visit their website:

ATLANTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMis now accepting applications.Submission forms can be completed directly online at the official Atlantic Music Festival website:AMF Fellowship provides complete financial coverage of tuition, housing, and meals during the four weeks of residency.

The early submission deadline to submit for the U.S. and International applicants is December 1, 2012.Information is also available through the Atlantic Music Festival by email, or by regular mail to Atlantic Music Festival, 228 Park Ave S #31975, New York, NY 10003.For more information, please visit us online at

THE COLORADO STATE MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION is currently seeking a Fund development intern to help develop a tuition assistance scholarship fund for pre-college music study. The goal of the fund, once established, is to partially pay music tuition costs for promising young students who cannot afford music lessons. For a full description of this opportunity, stop by the ECM bulletin board and get in touch with Professor Cremaschi.

INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE!The ECM offers a broad range of internship opportunities for students, ranging from positions with non-profit arts groups to for-profit businesses. Internships can be for academic credit or not, and can often be customized to suit your schedule and interests. If you’re interested, stop by the ECM office and we’ll talk about the options!