Published: March 13, 2012
FOR-PROFIT or NON-PROFIT? With special guest Travis LaBarge, Founder of Parlando School for the Arts

Many aspiring musicians assume that the arts venture they’re dreaming of starting someday will be a non-profit. But this isn’t always the best choice…how do you figure that out? Come hear Travis LaBarge, Founder and Director of the Parlando School for the Arts – which started as a for-profit venture and has become a non-profit one. What better person to talk about the pros and cons of this critical choice?

This Wednesday, 5:00-6:30, C-113

As always, free pizza and soda. And CONVO available this week!

And mark your calendars for up-coming guests (both of these are also convo-eligible):

March 14:Special Guest Artist, flutist Lindsey Goodman, talks about putting together a “portfolio career” – as private teacher, orchestral performer, professor, soloist, and chamber musician.

March 21:Dennis Paul, Elevations Credit Union,talks about managing your personal finances – a topic of importance to students of all career paths!

The GLBTQ Resource center is hosting the band GIRLYMANfor the Transforming Gender Symposium on Saturday, March 10 at 2pm. They’ll be talking about their creative process and navigating the music scene as a queer folk-rock band. Schedule:


From the Wall Street Journal: “Theatre’s New Act is HD.”

Can Live Streaming work for you?This commentator says Yes:

• Detroit Symphony Claims Record for Webcast:


Astrid Baumgardner & Lessons from Four Musician-Entrepreneurs: Part II

Astrid Baumgardner is a consultant and career coach who has become interested in the specific field of the arts and artist-entrepreneurs. If you’re not familiar with her Blog, you should check it out (). She conducted a panel discussion with four musician entrepreneurs, and I’m going to highlight each question (and occasionally expand on the commentary) for the next few weeks. Come along and follow the paths of these artists as they share their wisdom!

The panel included:

Timo Andres: freelance pianist/composer;Tina Hadari(a ֱ ALUM): violinist and founder ofMusic Haven;Paul Murphy: free-lance trumpeter and teaching artist with the NY Philharmonic; and
Sam Quintal: violist and member of theJasper String Quartet.

Seek Out Opportunities

All four of our panelists stressed the importance ofpursuing as many opportunities as you can in the beginning of your career, even if it is not necessarily exactly what you want to do. Often, that means doing anything that gets you to perform and be in front of a lot of different people, as well as meeting others and nurturing your relationships.

Sam related that while doing their undergraduate work at Oberlin College, the Jasper Quartet attended the Aspen Festival, through the generosity of Earl Carlyss (the former second violinist of the Juilliard String Quartet, and director of the Quartet program at Aspen). One of the most peculiar engagements was a Master Class with Mr. Carlyss at 9am for a group of doctors in Aspen. In the audience that day was the Dean at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music who, unbeknownst to the Quartet, was intrigued enough with the group’s playing that when it came time for the quartet to apply to graduate schools, Rice asked them to come audition. The time the quartet spent at Rice earning masters degrees turned out to be the principal formative experience for the group.

With a CD in the works and a lot of performance opportunities under his belt, Timo moved to New York after graduating from YSM and applied for a series of “terrible” (his words!) day jobs while performing and composing all over the place. He soon realized that he did not need the day job because he was able to find enough performance opportunities and commissions to keep him going. One of his great opportunities was to play for a YSM faculty member who then invited him to participate in a festival where he formed some important relationships that helped to further his career.

Tina started a quartet while at Yale, and at the end of her quartet’s residency out in ֱ, an individual from New Haven called her to ask her to return to New Haven to start an urban quartet residency. Knowing that this was her calling, she convinced the quartet to move to New Haven to start the program of which she is now the Executive Director.[<

And Paul moved back home to the Midwest after a “secure” orchestra job abroad fell through, all the while spending his weekends auditioning in New York and Los Angeles. After reading an article in the New York Times about the newly mintedAcademy Fellowshipcreated by Carnegie Hall and Juilliard, he persisted in attempting to secure an audition for the program, even though the fledgling organization didn’t yet have a phone number or website. He was ultimately successful in auditioning for the Academy and invited to move to New York City. His time as an Academy Fellow helped him to discover his passion for creating meaningful engagement between music and his audiences, and eventually led him to his current job as a teaching artist at the New York Philharmonic.

In short, they did not wait for the phone to ring but instead, they proactively put out a lot of feelers and went after these opportunities.

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In other words: keep an open mind while you’re waiting for your options to solidify – sometimes the unforeseen path can turn out to be the most fruitful. And if you see something you want, go for it and keep persisting! Success rarely comes fully-formed in an easy-wrap package…it takes resourcefulness, creativity, and tenacity!

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And without further adieu…

The Video of the Week!

This just makes me smile. (And thanks to Sarah Van Dusen for sharing this!)

Okay guys, I’m running low on videos again: KEEP ‘EM COMING! J

The Entrepreneurship Center for Music •Jeffrey Nytch, DMA, Director•Office Hours: T/Th: 9-11 a.m. W: 2-4 p.m.– or by appointment

Entrepreneurship Wednesdays: 5-6:30 p.m., C-113 • Follow us on


RINN UMC(Frederick, CO) seeks aChoir Director for Easter 2012. 
Professional training required. Rehearsals leading to sing on April 8, 2012 Easter Sunday which may lead to a part time position for a choir director/music coordinator for the whole year. Choir Director is needed who enjoys singing, directing a church choir, and enjoys working with church singers in 4 parts.
Needs to begin immediately to meet the 20+ choir members, select three or four anthems appropriate for Easter, conduct rehearsals following church services beginning March 11 thru April 1 and Saturday morning, April 7, to sing on Easter Sunday April 8 at 9:30 a.m. Worship Service. Will sing three/four pieces to be sung at one portion of the Easter service. $350, with possibility of extending to a part-time position with the church. Interested parties should contact Rev. Barbara Johns-Schleicher

ROAD OF CREATIVITYannounces its firstSummer Retreaton becoming a musician entrepreneurJune 3-9. The retreat is a five-day immersion into the fundamentals of music entrepreneurship. Participants will engage in innovative training sessions with groups such as Alarm Will Sound, and will expose skills and attitudes imperative for success in today’s music world.Early Bird Discount for the first 20 registrants!

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITYto participate in abenefit concert for “Teach for America”in April. Organizers are looking for a few different musical groups to volunteer their talents. The benefit will be on campus in Flemming 155 on either Friday, April 13th or Saturday, April 20th in the evening (the date will be finalized shortly). Although this event does not pay, participants are invited to eat at the meal. There is no piano available, but there is sound equipment. This is a great opportunity for chamber groups and soloists to get some performance experience while helping out a very worthy cause. Anyone who is interested should contact Andrew Marshall

ARS NOVA SINGERSis also seeking an Intern to assist with administrative and operational duties, flexible depending on the gifts and interests of the applicant. Contact Executive Director Chip Ross for more

JoinCLASSICAL MUSIC CITY, the social network for classical musicians, and get a listing in theirmusic teacher directoryfor free. Lots of other stuff to check out here, too:

THE INTERACTIVE THEATRE PROJECTis seeking a graduate student to be anAssistant Director.ITP uses theater to address social justice issues on campus and in the community. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelors degree and enrollment in a graduate program (theater, sociology, education or related field). Background and understand of diversity/multiculturalism and/or social justice. Experience working with undergraduate students. Availability for ensemble rehearsals on Tuesdays from 5 to 7pm. To apply, send a resume and cover letter

C4C GIGS AVAILABLE!The C4C is continuing their special “Food Weeks” that feature different cuisines from around the world. They’re interested in having ֱ musicians play for the dinner hour on selected nights, in return for a modest honorarium and free dinner for all involved. A fun and tasty opportunity to perform in a relaxed setting, for solo performers up to a group of 4 players. World music performers and works featuring Latin, Asian, or Middle Eastern influence encouraged! Contact ֱ GIGS Coordinator Nathan Hall for more