Devon Bertram

Fridays 12:00-1:00MT, virtually or at SEEC

Devon has spent the majority of her career at the intersection of corporate sustainability and high-performance buildings, consulting for over 15 years, spanning from New York to Denver to Santiago, Chile to San Francisco. Her love of process and her people-centric, collaborative approach stem from her passion for making it personal and human-focused, and connecting the dots—whether people to people, challenges to solutions, or goals to actions.

Currently, as SVP of Sustainability at Stok, Devon advises clients on how to define, develop, implement, and manage customized sustainability programs and standards for their building portfolios that authentically align with their corporate brand, values, and purpose. Her efforts aim to reinforce clients’ broader strategic goals to enhance ESG initiatives, develop corporate carbon strategies, and improve their overall sustainability impact. In addition to guiding clients, Devon works alongside the firm’s other team leads to broaden and enhance Stok’s signature ability to meet clients at any point and phase of a project. She also supports the growth and development of Stok’s subject matter experts and new strategic initiatives within the company.

Before landing in the high-performance building world, Devon researched the benefits of green roofs, managed an art gallery, and spent a memorable year in New Zealand picking apples, racing her twin sister down mountainside hiking trails, and cleaning holiday homes. Devon holds an MBA from Presidio Graduate School and a BA in Environmental Studies with Literature from Middlebury College.