PhD in Mechanical Engineering
The primary objective of the PhD degree program is to educate students to the highest levels of their chosenfield to enable them to make lasting impacts to fundamental knowledge, technology, and societythrough research. PhD students are expected to become domain experts and complete research thatcan withstand the rigorous test of external peer review.
We offer funding toall PhD applicants whom we admit. Our department anticipates extending full funding to about 75Fall 2025 PhD applicants. Funding includes:
- a graduate student salary,
- tuition remission,
- mandatory student fees, and
- 91% health insurance coverage.
In your first year, you will befunded by the departmentas a Teaching Assistant (TA) for one semester and as a Research Assistant (RA) for the other semester, which enables youto find a research lab and to practice working in a classroom setting.Faculty with alternate sources of funding may petition the department to waive the TA requirement for first year students in their lab. In your second year and beyond, you will be funded by a research advisor as an RA or through other fellowships, pending reasonable research progress and academic performance. If your research advisor has a funding gap, they can apply to the department for gap funding. This way, students have a safety net so that they can continue to be funded throughout their PhD program.
For informationabout applying to the PhD program,please visitPhD Admissionor email
PhD Degree Overview
At the time of application, PhD studentschoose fromeight focus areasto guide their selectionof courses and research. Within each area, PhD students have access to top experts in their fieldand conduct research that has direct impact onhuman health and safety, the environment, and technology development. They work alongside and learn directly from faculty members doing both fundamental and applied research thatharnesses state-of-the-art experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches to expand the frontiers of technology in the following areas:
- Air Quality
- Biomedical
- Design
- Materials
- Mechanics of Materials
- Micro/Nanoscale
- Robotics and Systems Design
- Thermo Fluid Sciences
Please reviewourResearch Overview Slidesfor a quick look at faculty members and their unique capabilities and areas of expertise.
PhD Courses Requirement
PhD students must complete a minimum of 30 graduate-level credits at the 5000 level or higher. Of these 30credits, at least ninemust be mechanical engineering departmentcourses. All PhD students are required totake the following courses:
- MCEN 5020: Methods of Engineering Analysis (3 credits)
- MCEN 5030: Introduction to Research (3credits)
Note: Some faculty research advisors will require that their students complete more than 30 course credits. The departmentrecommends that students consult with both theirgraduate program advisor and faculty research advisorfor guidance on coursework recommendations or requirements.
Mathematical Proficiency Requirement
All PhD students are required to take MCEN 5020 Methods of Engineering Analysis and to pass with a grade ofB- or higher. Students receiving a grade below B- in MCEN 5020 must retake the course.PhD students will not be able to advance to post-prelim status until the mathematical proficiency requirementhas been completed. Failure to complete this requirement by the end of the second year of the PhD may resultin removal from the PhD program.
Dissertation Hour Requirement
In addition to coursework, you are required to complete 30 dissertation hours. Students are not able to register for thesis credits on their own and should schedule an appointment with their graduate advisor to be registered. Students must continuously enroll in five dissertation credits in the semesters following passing the comprehensive exam.
Fundamental Topics Preliminary Exam
All PhD students must successfully pass the fundamental topicspreliminary exam, which is intended to assess the potentialto successfully complete a PhD in mechanical engineering. It is designed to evaluate analytical skills, appraiseknowledge of mechanical engineeringfundamentals, and to gauge potential for creative independent research.The exam requires students to consolidate their grasp of the fundamentals of mechanical engineering and todemonstrate an aptitude for communicating knowledge during an oral presentation. The content of the examinationreflects consensus across the department faculty. The examination is administered by the GraduateCommittee, acting on behalf of the entire faculty.
Research Preliminary Exam
The research preliminary exam is an oral presentation of research to a committee of three that must include aPhD student’s research advisor and at least one other faculty member from mechanical engineering. Studentsshould view this as an early thesis proposal. At least one week prior to the exam, students must send a 250-word presentation abstract, including title andany relevant references, to all committee members.
Comprehensive Examination
Students must complete a comprehensive exam between 6 and 12 months prior to defending their PhD dissertations.At the time of the comprehensive exam, the dissertation committee will be formed and given preliminaryapproval by the Department and Graduate School.A mechanical engineering PhD degree requires depth of knowledge in the dissertation/research area, as wellas breadth of knowledge across the mechanical engineering curriculum. Consequently, the comprehensiveexam is designed to test student knowledge of their proposed research area, and any general knowledge in thefield. It is also intended to evaluate whether a student’s proposed research project is original and creative work,whether it will make a significant impact in the field, and whether it will qualify for publication in quality peer-reviewedjournals. The exam is also an opportunity to demonstrate an ability to present scientific conceptsorally. In short, the comprehensive exam serves as the gateway to the next phase of the doctoral program:completion of a dissertation.
Written Dissertation
The written dissertation must comply with Graduate School rules and procedures in terms of format and submission.The dissertation title appears on official university transcripts and must be submitted to the Graduate Schoolin addition to the physical signature page from the dissertation. Students are also required to submit the fullwritten dissertation electronically at the .
Dissertation Defense
Before completion of the PhD degree, students must have their dissertation accepted for defense by the reviewcommittee. The dissertation defense may occur before or after the final electronic submission of the writtendissertation to the Graduate School, but must take place prior to the end of the final semester of enrollment.Students must then pass a dissertation defense, which is a final examination on the dissertation and relatedtopics. In the defense, students are expected to explain their research clearly and concisely, and to discuss howit relates to other research in the field. This is an opportunity for recognition of completed doctoral work. It isalso an opportunity for discussion and formal evaluation of the dissertation.
We accept PhD applications from applicantsnot currently enrolled at ֱ Boulder for thefall term only. To receive full consideration, please submit all application itemsby the following deadlines:
- International applicant deadline:December 1by 10:00 p.m. MST
- Domestic applicant deadline:December 15by 10:00 p.m. MST
In limited cases, external PhD applications may be accepted and reviewed for the spring semester. Typically, these applicants are transfer students who have already identified a ֱ PhD advisor. In such instances, the graduate advising team should be consulted atmegrad@colorado.eduprior to applying. Applicants in this scenario should plan to ensure the submission of all required application documents as soon as possible and no later than one month prior to the anticipated semester of beginning their studiesat ֱ Boulder.
What should be in my application? | Paul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering | University of ֱ Boulder
Learn ֱ our Faculty
When surveyed, faculty shared that the following traits are valuable inprospective PhD students:
- Interest in hands-on learning
- Enthusiasm and grit
- Research experience
- Creativity and independence
- Intellectual curiosity
- Dependability
- Willingness to try new things
- Work experience is a plus
- Publications area bonus
- Dedication to lab goals
- Ability to connect past knowledge with new areas of inquiry
- Understanding how the science we generate in our research is relevant for policy and how it readily impacts local communities
Venture Partners at ֱ Bouldernotes that theUniversity of ֱ has ranked fifth for startup creation, according to the latest report by the Association of University Technology Manager (AUTM).
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI)the ֱ system 14th among the “Top 100” institutions nationwide for recent patent activity.
Boulder is alsohome to a variety of well-known companies and labs doing research and development. Our faculty researchers and their research groups regularly collaborate with scientists at federal research labs that are located in the Boulder/Denver area, including the following:
- National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
When surveyed, mechanical engineering research faculty indicated the following level of industry involvementthroughout their academic careers:
Start-ups | 47% |
Consulting | 58% |
Industry jobs | 5% |
Research collaborations with industry partners | 79% |
Technology transfer activities | 47% |
Entrepreneurial ventures | 21% |
Advisory roles for industry organizations | 26% |
Other | 16% |
Please reviewourResearch Overview Slidesfor a quick look at faculty members and their unique capabilities and areas of expertise.
You can also watch a comprehensive overview of the research happening in our department, presented by our faculty:
- Research in
- Research in
- Research in
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Graduates conduct impactful research with a direct influence on human health, safety, environmental sustainability, and technological advancement. The program prioritizes cutting-edge tier-one research, supported by state-of-the-art facilities. ֱ Boulder's top-ranked mechanical engineering programs provide guidance through research and teaching assistantships, fostering a collaborative environment. The diverse research focus areas and the opportunity to engage with field experts make pursuing a PhD in mechanical engineering at ֱ Boulder rewarding and impactful.
Mechanical engineers holding a PhD enjoy a spectrum of possibilities. They can pioneer startups derived from their research, secure patents for groundbreaking technologies, conduct research in national labs and diverse industries, engage in teaching roles, or work globally in prestigious research institutes.
We surveyed faculty members to gaininsights into the diverse career trajectories of mechanical engineering PhD graduates. The resulting data presents an approximate distribution of pursuits among our PhD graduates:
Academia: 28.9%
Industry R&D: 38.5%
Consulting: 6.7%
Nonprofits: 5.7%
National Labs: 15.8%
Their own start-ups: 4.0%
Other: 0.6%
Prospective students are encouraged to connect with faculty for in-depth insights and explore unique program opportunities.
A PhD in mechanical engineering offers versatility in the job market, enabling professionals to work in renewable energy, biomechanics, air quality, robotics, project management, construction, and more. Choosing mechanical engineering allows exploration across multiple areas of interest, facilitating interdisciplinary research and collaboration. It can be a practical choice for individuals transitioning from related backgrounds, providing flexibility in research focus and professional outcomes.
Our program fosters adaptability, empowering students for various career paths—academia, industry research, consulting, nonprofits, national laboratories, startups, and more. ֱ Boulder's Mechanical Engineering provides a strong foundation for diverse and fulfilling career journeys.
Additionally, our program stands out for its diverse class offerings that align with individual interests and goals. The program emphasizes collaboration, offering numerous avenues for students to work with different lab groups, industries, and national labs. This collaborative environment enhances research opportunities and post-graduation prospects.
We also cultivate a strong sense of community among our graduate students. PhD students gather on a regular basis for community events such as the fall picnic, heritage feast, spring picnic, a summer Pride event, and coffee hours. Our students have advocated for emergency funds for students and have also launched an active K-12 outreach program.Additionally, PhD students have impacted graduate program decision-making and policies by having representation and a voiceon the graduate committee.
A PhD student entering without prior graduate coursework will typically take fiveyears to complete the PhD degree.However, it is not uncommon for students to finish both earlier and later than this five-year average. Astudent entering the PhD program with prior graduate coursework from another university may be eligible totransfer up to 21 credit hours to ֱ and may be finish in about fouryears. Regardless of the time taken to completethe PhD, the primary emphasis is on remaining at ֱ Boulderlong enough to complete high-quality research thatsatisfies the requirements of the PhD dissertation and defense.
What do mechanical engineers with a PhD do?
- One of the coolest things about getting a PhD in mechanical engineering is that you can choose to go into almost any field! Some PhD students will spin a startup company off their research ideas; some will patent new technologies, and some will teach in lecture halls with over 300 students. There is no limit to the opportunities available to you with a PhD in mechanical engineering. - Liv F.
- Mechanical engineers can do all sorts of different things. I have PhD friends who are working on diagnostic blood testing, others studying human motion and prosthetics, and others studying atmospheric science and laser systems. I work at the confluence of robotics, AI, and neuroscience. - Gene R.
Why mechanical engineering versus a specific program?
Mechanical engineering is a great degree because you can use it to work in many different fields. Whether you are interested in renewable energy, biomechanics, air quality, robotics, project management, construction, or a number of other things, you’ll be able to pursue a career in those fields using your knowledge and background in mechanical engineering. - Liv F.
I chose mechanical engineering because it was easier for me to continue that course (my BS and MS were in ME) and get accepted into an ME program than CS, for example. -Gene R.
What differentiates ֱ Boulder’s mechanical engineering program from others?
- I think one of the great things about the ֱ mechanical engineering program is the variety of classes that are offered; you can almost always find a class that aligns well with your interests and goals. -Liv F.
- We have a lot of collaboration within the department, and across departments, relative to other schools. - Gene R.
What do mechanical engineers with a PhD do?
- I am using my degree as an excuse to move to a different country and work at a massive research institute called Max Planck! The world seems one degree smaller within the research realm and it makes it so much easier to make connections around the world/ work with a variety of different people. - Vani S.
- There are several options for PhDs. Common paths are to pursue a career in academia, secure arole in industry or government lab, or create a startup to commercialize your research. I chose to pursue the 3rd option and co-founded a company with several other people from our lab. It’s been a great experience and opportunity. Like a PhD, this path is full of new challenges and opportunities to grow. - Eric A.
Why mechanical engineering versus a specific program?
ME is perfect for the individual who likes to dip into multiple different areas of interest. I gravitated toward the ME program because I had a biomechanics background, but I wanted to become more knowledgeable in robotics. By not doing a specific program, I was able to explore both fields through my research and work with people who specialized in both robotics and biomechanics. - Vani S.
Mechanical engineering is interesting because it’s so broad and deals with manydifferent topics. There are always new things to learn and opportunities to synthesize knowledge from different disciplines. I really enjoy the physical and tangible aspects of mechanical engineering, which is why I studied soft robotics and actuators. - Eric A.
What differentiates ֱ Boulder’s mechanical engineering program from others?
- There are many different avenues for collaboration when completing a PhD at ֱ Boulder. I worked with five different lab groups during my graduate career, and I was able to complete a 7-month internship with Meta one year prior to my defense. Several students in my year were able to work with other industries and national labs to complete their research, many of whom hired the students post-graduation. Vani S.
- Generally, location and opportunities for outdoor recreation are a big differentiator for ֱ Boulder. Academically, the mechanical engineering program offers unique opportunities. Robotics and soft materials are rapidly growing disciplines. The department has recruited key faculty in this area, and there are opportunities to collaborate with other departments, such as computer science, electrical engineering, and aerospace. You also have access to several resources that will help you commercialize your research if you’re interested in starting a business. ֱ Boulder actually has one of the highest rates for startup creation in the nation. There are many resources through the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Leeds School of Business, and Venture Partners to help you pursue that path. - Eric Ac.
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Graduate Program Mission
We establish an environment of respect and inclusive excellence where high-quality instruction, project-based learningand cutting-edge research are leveraged to educate and nurture the next generation of socially conscious, deeply knowledgeable engineers, scientistsand problem-solvers.