ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Law combines an unrivaled atmosphere, a state of the art facility, and a first-class faculty for an experience unlike any other law school in the nation. Each area of study is run by professors on the cutting edge of the legal industry.

Elevated Advocacy
Everyone deserves an advocate for justice. Whether it is Labor and Employment Law, our Juvenile and Family Law Program,Ìýour nationally renowned program inÌýNatural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law, or our highly rankedÌýAmerican Indian Law Program, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Law prepares students to be the voice for those that need it most.

Elevated Business
Boulder is a hotbed for startups and powerhouses alike, and no law school is better suited to capitalize on business in the Rockies. LearnÌýEntrepreneurial and Business LawÌýfrom professors who counseled major corporations and transactions. Take advantage of Boulder's ranking as the #1 city where startups are thriving (CNN Money) by learningÌýTechnology, and Intellectual Property Law in a city also ranked as a top ten city for technology startups (USA Today).

Elevated Leadership
Whether it is International Law,ÌýPublic Service Law, orÌýHealth Law and Policy, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Law will add expertise to your passion and train you to confront some of the most pressing legal issues head on. Here at ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Law, we believe the biggest challenges are also the biggest opportunities.

Elevated Representation
Being a school of pioneering ideas does not mean leaving the traditional ones behind. Litigation prepares students for courtroom battle. Criminal Law teaches students to be the keepers of justice. Dispute resolution prepares students to represent clients through all phases toward settlement.

Elevated Jurisprudence
Legal Theory at ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Law gives the background insight crucial to understanding the modern legal system. A dedicated Legal Writing department helps our students put their new-found skills to paper in a way that is impossible to ignore.