ICYMI: Faculty Publications, Media Mentions, and Faculty & Staff Activities
Faculty Publications
Vanessa Racehorse, 56 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 183 (2025)

Media Mentions
[Deep Gulasekaram], Micah Smith, Denver7 (March 4, 2025).
Angeline McCall, 9 News (March 4, 2025).
Allison Sherry and Ben Markus,CPR (March 3, 2025).
Carly Winchell, Ark Valley Voice (Feb. 8, 2025).
Alex Madrigal,KQED-FM (Jan. 22, 2025).
Sarah Matusek,Christian Science Monitor (Jan. 13, 2025).
[Gregor MacGregor,MENV], Gabrielle Mendoza, KNGU (March 3, 2025).
Faculty & Staff Activities
[James Anaya(speaker),Kristen Carpenter(moderator)],Emiliano Salazar,"Self-Determining Greenland": A Discussion on Inuit Rights and International Law at the University of ֱ Law School,ֱ Law (March 3, 2025).
Alexia Brunet Marks(presenter)Farming for the FutureRoundtable at theWashington and Lee University School of Law (upcoming, March 13-14, 2025) (presenting her paper “Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture: One Net-Zero Pledge at a Time”, 49 WM. & MARY ENV’T L. & POL’Y REV. (forthcoming 2025)).
Paul Campos, Lawyers, Guns, & Money (Feb. 28- March 7), blog posts
Martha Fulford, Adjunct Spotlight: Martha Fulford, ֱ Law (Feb. 28, 2025).
[Deep Gulasekaram], M.R. Dickey & Reya Roussel,Reflections and Lessons From Judge Crews' First Year on the Federal Bench,Colorado Law (March 5, 2025).
Deep Gulasekaram, Daria Roithmayr, Chris Winter,(panelists),The Legal Effect of Executive Orders,ֱ Law (upcoming, March 18, 2025).
[Margot Kaminski], Emily Battaglia,Professor Margot Kaminski Named a "Top 100 Legal Scholar",ֱ Law (Feb. 28, 2025).
Margot Kaminski(moderator),Harry Surden(keynote speaker & moderator), Silicon Flatirons (March 7, 2025).
Sloan Speck,TaxProf Blog (Feb. 28, 2025).