1. Challenges of confined space locomotion - a case study using the American cockroach
    Kaushik Jayaram
    , Dwight Springthorpe, Duncan Haldane, Steven Mckinley, Angela Dirocco, Robert J Full
    Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, 2013.

  2. Running in confined spaces by the American cockroach
    Kaushik Jayaram
    , Dwight Springthorpe, Duncan Haldane, Steven Mckinley, Angela Dirocco, Robert J Full
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2013.

  3. Dynamic response of antenna flagellum in the American cockroach
    Chris J Dallmann, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Kaushik Jayaram, Anil Mahavadi, Robert J Full
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2013.