• Kevin C. Cossel, Eleanor M. Waxman, Fabrizio R. Giorgetta, Michael Cermak, Ian R. Coddington, Daniel Hesselius, Shalom Ruben, William C. Swann, Gar- Wing Truong, Gregory B. Rieker, and Nathan R. Newbury, â€Open-path dual- comb spectroscopy to an airborne retroreflector,†Optica 4, 724-728 (2017)

  • S. D. Ruben, â€Respect the Implementation: Using NI myRIO in Undergraduate Control Education,†American Control Conference (ACC), 2016, Boston, MA, pp. 7315-7320.

  • P. M. O. Gebraad, F. W. Teeuwisse, J. W. van Wingerden, P. A. Fleming, S. D. Ruben, J. R. Marden, and L. Y. Pao, â€Wind plant power optimization through yaw control using a parametric model for wake effects - a CFD simulation study,†Journal of Wind Energy, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 95-114, 2016.

  • S. D. Ruben, T-C. Tsao, R. Fesperman, O. Ozturk and R. R. Hocken, â€Model- ing and Control of a Multi-Axis Nano-Precision Positioning System,†Journal of Precision Engineering, Submitted.

  • P. M. O. Gebraad, F. W. Teeuwisse, J. W. van Wingerden, P. A. Fleming, S. D. Ruben, J. R. Marden, and L. Y. Pao, â€A Data-Driven Model for Wind Plant Power Optimization by Yaw Control,†American Control Conference, 2014.

  • J. R. Marden, S. D. Ruben, and L. Y. Pao, â€A Model-Free Approach to Wind Farm Control Using Game Theoretic Methods,†IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp 1207-1214, special issue “to tame the wind: advanced control applications in wind energy,â€, 2013.

  • S. D. Ruben and T-C. Tsao, â€Real-Time Optimal Commutation for Minimizing Thermally Induced Inaccuracy in Multi-Motor Driven Stages,†Automatica, Vol- ume 48, Issue 8, August 2012, Pages 1566-1574.

  • R. Fesperman, O. Ozturk, R. R. Hocken, S. D. Ruben, T-C. Tsao, J. Phipps, T. Lemmons, J. Brien and G. Caskey, â€Multi-scale Alignment and Positioning System - MAPS,†Journal of Precision Engineering, Volume 36, Issue 4, October 2012, Pages 517-537.

  • J. R. Marden, S. D. Ruben, and L. Y. Pao, â€Surveying Game Theoretic Ap- proaches for Wind Farm Optimization,†Proceedings of 30th ASME Wind Sym- posium, 2012.

  • S. D. Ruben, T-C. Tsao, T. Lemmons, G. Caskey, and R. R. Hocken, â€Intrin- sic Damping of Linear Halbach Brushless Motors,†Proceedings of ASPE 26rd Annual Meeting, 2011.

  • S.D.RubenandT-C.Tsao,â€OptimalCommutationLawsbyReal-TimeOptimiza- tion for Multiple Motor Driven Systems,†American Control Conference, 2010.; Finalist for â€Best Student Paperâ€

  • S. D. Ruben, T-C. Tsao, R. R. Hocken, R. Fesperman, O. Ozturk, J. Brien and G. Caskey, â€Mechatronics and Control of a Precision Motion Stage for Nano- Manufacturing,†Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2009.

  • S. D. Ruben and T-C. Tsao, â€Motion Control and Optimization for Nano Lithogra- phy,†Proceedings of ASPE 23rd Annual Meeting, 2008.

  • S. D. Ruben and I. Y. Shen, â€Evaluating Vibration Characteristics of a Disk Media Substrate,†Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems, 1999.