Caccamise/Kintsch Lab
ICS-CINC Comprehension Research Group
The Comprehension Research Group is directed by Donna Caccamise and includes Walter Kintsch, Angela Friend, Eileen Kintsch, and Christine Okoshi. Previously, some members of the group—together with other researchers—were engaged in a large-scale classroom evaluation of Summary Street, a highly successful LSA-based tutor for learning summarization skills. This was followed by a project to: (a) develop a novel natural language processing method based on the Construction Integration model of W. Kintsch; and (b) use this technology as a computer-based comprehension tutor. This project is funded by a grant from the McDonnell Foundation.
Currently, the group is funded by the Department of Education to develop middle school curriculum that teaches students expert reading comprehension skills as they struggle to understand challenging content area course work such as science and history.
- Donna Caccamise
- Walter Kintsch
- Eileen Kintsch
- Megan Littrell-Baez
Littrell-Baez, M.K., Friend, A., Caccamise, D., & Okochi, C. (2015). Using retrieval practice and metacognitive skills to improve content learning. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(8), 680-687. doi: 10.1002/jaal.420.
Caccamise, D., Friend, A., Littrell-Baez, M.K., & Kintsch, E. (2015). Constructivist theory as a framework for instruction and assessment of reading comprehension. In S.R. Parris & K. Headley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices (3rd ed.). New York: NY: Guilford.
Caccamise, D., Friend, A., Groneman, C., Littrell-Baez, M.K., & Kintsch, E. (2014). Teaching struggling middle school readers to comprehend informational text. In J.L. Polman et al. (Eds.), Learning and Becoming in Practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 2 (pp. 1002-1006).Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences. [pdf]
Caccamise, D., Friend, A., Kintsch, W., & Kintsch, E. (2013, July). Measuring Text Complexity. Poster presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Valencia, Spain.[pdf]
Kintsch, E., Caccamise, D., & Kintsch, W. (2012). Applying text comprehension theories to literacy education (Y. Morishima, Trans.). In Y. Fukuda (Ed.), Introduction to the psychology of language. Tokyo: Baifukan.
Caccamise, D., Friend, A., Groneman, C., Kintsch, E. (2012). BRAVO: Boulder Reading Intervention; Ecology. ICS no. 2012-02. University of ֱ, Boulder.
Caccamise, D. (2011). Improved reading comprehension by writing. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 18, 27-31. doi:10.1044/lle18.1.27
Caccamise, D.; Snyder, L.; Kintsch, W.; Allen, C.; Kintsch, E.; Oliver, W. (2010). Teaching Summarization via the Web, American Educational Research Association, annual proceedings.
Banich, M. & Caccamise, D. (Eds.) (2010) Generalization of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Psychology Press.
Caccamise, D & Snyder, L, (Spring, 2009) Guest Editors for a special issue of Perspectives on Language and Literacy.
Caccamise, D & Snyder, L, (2009) Comprehension Instruction in the 21st Century. Perspectives on Language and Literacy (Special issue), 35(2), 23-26.
Snyder, L. & Caccamise, D. (2009). Comprehension processes: Building meaning and making sense of things. In M. A. Nippold & C. M. Scott (Eds.) Expository Discourse in Children, Adolescents and Adults: Development and Disorders. Mahwah,NJ: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
Caccamise, D., Snyder, L. & Kintsch, E. (2008). Constructivist Theory and the Situation Model: Relevance to Future Assessment of Reading Comprehension. In Block, C. C., & Parris, S. R. (Eds.) (2008). Comprehension Instruction, 2nd edition. New York, NY: Guilford.
Caccamise, D., Franzke, M., Eckhoff, A., Kintsch, E., & Kintsch, W. (2007). Guided practice in technology-based summary writing. In D. S. McNamara & A. C. Graesser (Eds.), Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theory, Interventions, and Technologies. Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ.
Kintsch, E., Caccamise, D., Franzke, M., Johnson, N., & Dooley, S. (2007). Summary Street®: Computer-guided summary writing. In T. K. Landauer, D. M., McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Latent Semantic Analysis.
Caccamise, D., Snyder, L., & Kintsch, W. (2006) Improving High Stakes Testing Reading and Writing Outcomes through Summarization. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Vancouver, Canada.
Caccamise, D., Snyder, L. (2005) "Theory and Pedagogical Practices of Text Comprehension." Topics in Language Disorders. 25,1. [pdf]
Snyder, L., Caccamise, D., Wise, B. (2005) “The Assessment of Reading Comprehension: Considerations and Cautions.” Topics in Language Disorders. 25,1.
Franzke, M., Kintsch, E., Caccamise, D., Johnson, N., and Dooley, S. (2005), Computer Support for Comprehension and Writing. Educational Conputing Research. 33, 1.
Caccamise, D. & Snyder, L. (2005) Evidence Based Reading Research: Lessons Learned from www. What Works. ed. gov. ASHA, San Diego, CA.
Caccamise, D., Snyder, L. Kintsch, E., Kintsch, W. (2005)Summary Street: Computer Support to enhance comprehension. International Dyslexia Association, Denver, CO. [pdf]
Caccamise, D. , Kintsch, W., Cole, R., Snyder, L. (2005) The ֱ Literacy Project. International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.
Caccamise, Franzke, Kintsch, E. (2004)Summary Street: LSA-Based Software for Comprehension and Writing. LSA Workshop, Boulder ֱ.
Caccamise, D., Davis, N.,Franzke, M., Johnson, N., Kintsch, E. (2003)Using LSA in the Classroom: Implementing Summary Street in Grades 6-12. Presented at Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, June 2003.
Caccamise, D., Kintsch, W., Cole, R. (2003)The ֱ Literacy Tutor: Making ֱ #1 in Student Achievement. Invited address to the ֱ Legislature, Feb. 2003.
Schwartz, S.E., Caccamise, D., Cole, R., Wade-Stein, D., Snyder, L., Wise, B., Corson, L., (2002) Computer Based Learning Tools for Children with Cognitive Disabilities: Participatory Design Phase. Poster presented at the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities Conference. Boulder, CO. October, 2002.
Kintsch, W. & Mangalath, P. (2011) The construction of meaning. Topics in Cognitive Science, 3, 346-370. [pdf]
Kintsch, W. (2009) Learning and constructivism. In S. Tobias & T. M. Duffy (Eds.) Constructivist Instruction: Success or failure? New York: Routledge. Pp. 223-241. [pdf]
Kintsch, W. (2008) Symbol systems and perceptual representations. In M. De Vega, A. Glenberg, & A. Graesser (Eds.) Symbols and Embodiment. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Pp. 145-164. [pdf]
Kintsch, W. (2004) The Construction-Integration model of text comprehension and its implications for instruction. In R. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.) Theroretiocal Models and Processes of Reading. 5th Edition, International Reading Association.
Kintsch, W., Caccamise, D., Cole, R., Snyder, L., Olson, R. (2002)Scalable and Sustainable Technologies for Reading Instruction and Assessment. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Interagency Educational Research Initiative (IERI) [pdf]
Kintsch, W. (2001) Predication. Cognitive Science, 25, 173-202.
Kintsch, W. (2000) Metaphor comprehension: A computational theory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7, 257-266.
Kintsch, W., Patel, V., Ericsson, K. A. (1999) The role of Long-term working memory in text comprehension. Psychologia, 42, 186-198.
Kintsch, W. (1998) Comprehension: A paradigm for cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ericsson, K. A. & Kintsch, W. (1995) Long-term working memory. Psychological Review, 102, 211-245.
Kintsch, W. (1988). The role of knowledge in discourse comprehension construction-integration model. Psychological Review, 95, 163-182.