Awards & Honors

Many Institute of Cognitive Science Faculty and Research Associates have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to their fields of research through honors and awards. Below are highlights of the 79 honors received by ICS members between 2012 and 2018. 

Associate Professor and Psychology and Neuroscience professor Sidney D’Mello received the Tom Trabasso Young Investigator Award from the Society for Text & Discourse, given to “outstanding young scholars who received his or her PhD within the last 10 years and has made a significant contribution to the understanding of discourse processing and text analysis.”

Research Professor and Speech Language Hearing Sciences Professor Emerita Dr. Christine Yoshinaga-Itano was awarded the 2017 Woman of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award by the Boulder chapter of the Business and Professional Women of ֱ organization for her contribution to childhood auditory assessment, health, and early intervention
Associate Research Professor Jennifer Jacobs received the “Distinguished Research in Teacher Education” award from the Association of Teacher Educators

Professor Tamara Sumner received honors for SemEval 2015 Shared Task: Top Performing Algorithm in: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation   

Professor Mike Mozer was awarded the Educational Data Mining Society’s Best Paper Award
Professor Tor Wager received the Herbert Spiegel Award from Columbia University

Professor Martha Palmer received the Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award, University of ֱ

Assistant Professor McKell Carter received the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator Award

Research Associate Kusko received the Chancellor’s Achievement Scholarship from 2012 to 2016