Raman Microspectroscopy Lab - Instrumentation

The Raman Microspectroscopy Lab owns a Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution Spectrometer. This is a fully confocal, high-resolution 800 mm spectrometer equipped for flexibility across a broad range of applications. Its features include:

  • Two laser sources: 100 mW 532 nm frequency-doubled Nd:YAG and 100 mW 785 nm diode.
  • XY resolution as good as 500 nm, and confocal Z resolution as good as 1 µm.
  • Spectral resolution as good as 0.4 cm-1 (785 nm laser) or 2.5 cm-1 (532 nm laser).
  • Two diffraction gratings for wide spectral range or high spectral resolution.
  • A variety of microscope objective lenses.
  • 10 cm x 10 cm working area stage with motorized control of X, Y, and Z
  • Several options for controlling the polarization of the excitation laser.
  • Reflected and transmitted light sources.
  • X and Y galvo mirrors allowing the laser to be aimed, scanned, and rastered out of the microscope objective without any sample movement.
  • High-speed continuous scanning mode for fast mapping

The Raman lab also has a Nicolet 670 FTIR spectrometer interfaced to a Continuum FTIR microscope for microscale reflection and transmission, as well as bulk transmission FTIR spectroscopy. Additional Raman Lab resources include a Zeiss stereomicroscope, sample preparation area, and a high-performance offline workstation for data processing and statistical analyses.