stration with candy corn

No tricks this week, only celestial treats!

Oct. 20, 2020

No tricks this week, only celestial treats! The Orionid meteor shower will be modest this year, but should be visible in the early morning hours on Wednesday and Thursday. Also, on Wednesday the waxing crescent Moon shines brightly in the early evening in a line with Saturn and Jupiter. Whereas...

Different images of the Sun in various wavelengths from the Solar Dynamics Observatory

National Solar Week

Oct. 13, 2020

Celebrate NASA's Solar Week with us! Learn more about the Sun-Earth connection with lessons, games, and hands-on activities for all ages. Got a burning question? Ask leading solar scientists your questions about our nearest star, the Sun!

Global photo of Mars from NASA JPL


Oct. 6, 2020

Tonight is all about Mars! Go fishing for the Red Planet in the constellation of Pisces. Mars is only 38.6 million miles away from us this evening and won’t be as close until 2035. Next week, it’ll be at opposition, meaning directly opposite of the Sun from our Earthly perspective...

Photo collage of Jupiter, Saturn and the asterism of the Teapot in Sagittarius

Jupiter & Saturn

Sept. 29, 2020

The year is rolling right along and for the next few months Jupiter and Saturn are perfectly placed in our evening sky. You can’t miss them — just head outside after dinner and look to the south. You’ll see them to the left (east) of the Teapot asterism. To the...

Pic for Autumnal Equinox Golden Aspen leaf amongst pinecones and sticks

The Autumnal Equinox

Sept. 22, 2020

This year has been a blur, the days and weeks seem to blend together. But, today, is the Autumnal Equinox, an official marker in the calendar as we make another lap around the Sun. Our nights and days will be almost equal in duration with the Sun directly over the...

View from web app Stellarium of the horizon and early morning sky - Venus in constellation of cancer, can see Leo rising, and other constellations

Venus - The Morning Star

Sept. 15, 2020

Early risers grab your binos and look to the east this week. Venus is in the constellation of Cancer and paired nicely with the Beehive Cluster (M44). So, even though we're saying goodbye to summer, take heart, there are still bees buzzin' in the skies. Graphic credit:

Image from the LRO Diviner tool showing the temperatures on the Moon represented in Red for warm and blue for cold surface temps

Temperature Extremes

Sept. 8, 2020

How’s everyone feeling about extreme temperature drops? With a sudden slide into fall in Boulder, we thought about the extreme temperature fluctuations on our Moon. Daytime temps on the Moon hit 250 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttimes fall to a bone chilling -208 degrees (the poles get even colder, BRRR!). Find...

Screen grab from Sky Safari Pro app with Moon and Mars in the sky on September 5, 2020

Moon and Mars!

Sept. 5, 2020

TONIGHT ONLY! Go outside around 11pm and look to the East. You'll see the waning gibbous Moon and Mars VERY close together. In fact, they're less than a degree apart, at least from our view on Earth. In actuality, the Moon is about 240,000 miles away, whereas Mars is 45...

Full Moon rising with grass in the foreground

Drying Grass Moon

Sept. 1, 2020

Catch the Full Moon tonight when you head outdoors for the 8 o'clock howl. ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder occupies Indigenous land belonging to the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute peoples. The Arapaho and Cheyenne called the Full Moon in September the Drying Grass Moon. Leave a comment on our social media channels with...

Still image of the radiant point for the Perseid Meteor shower

Perseid Meteor Shower

Aug. 11, 2020

The Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight! The last quarter Moon will brighten up the sky, but grab a blanket, stretch out on the lawn and enjoy the show. You’ll find the radiant of the shower in the constellation Perseus which is under Cassiopeia in the northeastern sky. The meteors will...
