Screen shot from video of ocean from ISS

Down to Earth: The Astronaut’s Perspective

Jan. 26, 2021

Do you need some cosmic perspective? We certainly do. Our social media team came across this NASA piece - Down to Earth: The Astronaut’s Perspective - and wanted to share it with you. It's a good vibe on this snowy afternoon.

NASA - Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson in the Cupola onboard the ISS

What's a year?

Jan. 1, 2021

2020 is in our rear view (thank goodness!) and the New Year has just begun, but what is a year anyway? A year is the time it takes our planet to make one orbit around the Sun - about 365 1/4 days. The distance our planet covers as it travels...

From Sky & Telescope article linked above. This simulated view depicts Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope around 6 p.m. EST December 21st. They won't be this close again until 2080. Despite appearances, Jupiter is 724 million kilometers closer to us than Saturn. North is at upper right. Image credit: Stellarium

The Great Conjunction of 2020

Dec. 21, 2020

Tonight is THE NIGHT! The universe gives us a winter solstice gift with the GREAT CONJUNCTION of Jupiter and Saturn. Binoculars or small telescopes will show both planets along with their largest satellites in the same field of view --- only 0.1 degree apart (6.1 arcminutes). Don't miss this celestial...

Photographs of Saturn and Jupiter

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction!

Dec. 15, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn are getting cozy! We’ve been watching them dance together since early fall. On Monday (12/21), they’ll be in the closest visible conjunction since 1226. Keep watching — they’re putting on quite a show! Read more about the conjunction on the Celestial Objects to Observe column from Sky...

Illustration of a meteor in the sky with trees in the background

Catch a Geminid!

Dec. 10, 2020

Caught a Geminid yet? The Geminid meteor shower is known for its dependability and builds this week reaching its peak on the night of Dec. 13-14 (Sunday evening until dawn Monday). Find a dark spot, make some cocoa, grab your bag, and enjoy the show with a friend! A curious...

Graphic of the Sun, Earth and Moon showing the difference between a full total lunar eclipse and a penumbral eclipse.

Penumberal Lunar Eclipse

Nov. 29, 2020

Calling all Night Owls! You’re in for a treat during the wee hours Monday morning as the Moon slips into the Earth’s outer shadow for a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Moon enters the penumbra at 12:32 a.m. MST with greatest eclipse occurring at 2:43 a.m. MST (9:43 UT). This is...

Graphic for 11242020 showing the Moon and Mars in the constellation of Piscescredit SkySafari

Moon and Mars swimming with fish

Nov. 24, 2020

Swimming with celestial fish… The waxing gibbous Moon and Mars form a beautiful pair as they wade in tonight’s starry night sky in the constellation of Pisces. Come on in, the water is fine. Graphic credit: SkySafari Pro

Photo of the night sky with grassy hill and trees and a meteor in the sky

Leonid Meteor shower

Nov. 17, 2020

Need to chill? Grab your sleeping bag, invite a friend from your pod, and head outside to enjoy the Leonid meteor shower! The best time to watch is 3am to dawn Wednesday morning when the constellation of Leo is high in the southeastern sky. Should be a great view as...

ISS logo patch 20th anniversary

The International Space Station turns 20!

Nov. 10, 2020

The International Space Station turned 20 years old this month! 20 years of orbiting our planet. 20 years with a constant human presence in space. 20 years of studying how the human body responds to microgravity. 20 years of cutting edge science and research. 20 years of exploring the universe...

Two images of the full moon with a blue filter overlay and the jack-o-lantern image is a photo of the Sun taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2014.

A Blue Moon on Halloween!

Oct. 31, 2020

A Blue Moon on Halloween! YAAAAAS! Don't have to get superstitious or anything, but what is a blue moon anyway? All it means is two full moons have occured in the same calendar month. The last one happened in March 2018. Halloween is unique too. It's a cross-quarter day that...
