
Buffalo statue

ECEN 2260: Circuits as Systems

Circuit board with resistors and capacitors
This sophomore-level  course introduces fundamental tools for the analysis of dynamic circuits. The class serves as an introduction for many key concepts of system and control theory, including Laplace transforms, transfer functions, frequency response, Bode diagrams, resonant behaviors, Fourier series expansions, and convolution.

ECEN 2310: Programming with Mathematical Software

Matlab logo with fractal rose
This sophomore-level programming course introduces the programming basics for the use of MATLAB to solve typical engineering problems such as data visualization, matrix algebra, ordinary differential equations, signal decomposition, implicit functions, and symbolic math. Students are given weekly quizzes and assignments to help monitor their progress and are required to develop an original project featuring an engineering-oriented application.

ECEN 4638/5638: Control Systems Laboratory

This senior-level class provides the opportunity to experience the entire design cycle of a feedback control system. Students will be divided into groups and assigned a physical plant to control. Over the course of the semester, students will model the system dynamics, identify the model parameters, synthesize a controller, perform numerical validations, perform experimental testing, and improve their controller based on the observations. The class uses the  modular platform to maximize the variety of control challenges while minimizing the overhead required for implementation.

ECEN 5738: Theory of Nonlinear Systems

Phase portrait of the pendulum dynamics
This graduate-level control course focuses on fundamental tools for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems. Featured topics include an overview of Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors, Feedback Linearization, Lyapunov Stability, Passivity, Input-to-State Stability, and Small Gain Theorem. The theoretical results are contextualized using examples from real-world applications, which will be studied numerically using MATLAB/Simulink.