• Michaelis, Laura A. forthcoming. Construction Grammar. The International Encylopedia of Language and Linguistics, Third edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. forthcoming. . In M. Fried & V. Nikiforidou, (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Construction Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. forthcoming. . In C. Sinha and X. Wen, (eds.),Cambridge Encyclopedia of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. forthcoming. .Constructions and Frames: Special issue "Quo Vadis, Construction Grammar?"
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2024.Cognitive Semantics 10:123-158.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2024. In A. De Wit, F. Brisard, C. Madden-Lombardi, M. Meeuwis & A. Patard, (eds.), Beyond Time. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2022. . Cognitive Semantics8: 383-408.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. and Allen Minchun Hsiao. 2021. Frontiers in Communication [conceptual analysis article in special research topic,]
  • Koutsoukos, Nikos and Laura A. Michaelis. 2021. . Belgian Journal of Linguistics34:199-212.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2021. . In Bas Aarts, April McMahonand Lars Hinrichs, (eds.),The Handbook of English Linguistics, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 163-181.
  • Chaves, Rui, Paul Kay and Laura A. Michaelis. 2021.. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, 47–67.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2020. Review 3: “COVID-19 is Feminine: Grammatical Gender Influences Future Danger Perceptions and Precautionary Behavior.”Rapid Reviews COVID-19.
  • Altshuler, Daniel and Laura A. Michaelis. 2020. .Journal of Linguistics56:515-539. doi:10.1017/S0022226720000080
  • Stowe, Kevin, Sarah Moeller, Laura A. Michaelis and Martha Palmer. 2019. . Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL). Hong Kong: Association for Computational Linguistics. 362–371. Hong Kong: Association for Computational Linguistics. 362–371. doi:10.18653/v1/K19-1034
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2019.. In B. Busse and R. Moehlig, (eds.),Patterns in Language and Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 193-220.
  • Kay, Paul and Laura A. Michaelis. 2019.. In C. Condoravdi and T. Holloway King, (eds.), Tokens of Meaning: Papers in Honor ofLauri Karttunen. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 87-118.
  • Sag, Ivan A., Rui P. Chaves, Anne Abeillé, Bruno Estigarribia, Dan Flickinger, Paul Kay, Laura A. Michaelis, Stefan Müller and Geoffrey K. Pullum. 2019. . Journal of Linguistics 55: 1-69.
  • Gould, Kevin M. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2018. . Constructions and Frames10: 234–268.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2017..Oxford Online Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
  • Goldberg, Adele E. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2016..Cognitive Science41:233-258.
  • Kay, Paul and Laura A. Michaelis. 2016.. Unpublished ms., Stanford University and University of ֱBoulder. [under review]
  • Francis, Elaine J. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2016..Language and Cognition 9:332–370.
  • Ruppenhofer, Josef and Laura A. Michaelis. 2016..Corpora11: 259-290.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. and Hanbing Feng. 2015.Constructions and Frames7: 148–180. [special issue on genre]
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2015.. In J. Rudanko, J. Havu, M. Höglund and P. Rickman, (eds.),Perspectives on Complementation. London: Palgrave MacMillan.7-33. [: easier to read on screen]
  • Francis, Elaine J. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2014.. In B. MacWhinney, A. Malchukov, and E. Moravcsik, (eds).,Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 70-87.
  • Ruppenhofer, Josef and Laura A. Michaelis. 2014.. In S. Katz Bourns and L. Myers, (eds.),Linguistic Perspectives on Structure and Context: Studies in Honor of Knud Lambrecht. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 57-86.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2013.. In T. Hoffman and G. Trousdale, (eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.133-152.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2013.. In S. Luraghi and C. Parodi, (eds.),The Bloomsbury Companion to Syntax. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 421-435.
  • Kay, Paul and Laura A. Michaelis. 2012.. In C. Maienborn, K. von Heusinger and P. Portner (eds.),Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning.Vol. 3. Berlin: de Gruyter. 2271-2296.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2012.. In H. Boas and I. Sag, (eds.),Sign-Based Construction Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 31-69.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2012.. In M.J. Hauser et al., (eds.),The Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Parasession on Theoretical Approaches to Argument Structure. Berkeley: BLS, Inc. [Reprinted in A. Goldberg, (ed.),Cognitive Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. London: Routledge]
  • Brenier, Jason M., Elizabeth Coppock, Laura S. Staum and Laura A. Michaelis. 2012.In M.J. Hauser et al.,( eds.),The Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: BLS, Inc.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2012.. In J. Bengson and M. Moffett, (eds.),Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 261-279.
  • Duffield, Cecily Jill and Laura A. Michaelis. 2011..Language and Cognition3: 171-208.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2011..Linguistics49: 1359-1400.
  • Duffield, Cecily Jill, Jena D. Hwang and Laura A. Michaelis. 2010..Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics.Los Angeles: Association for Computational Linguistics. 17-24.
  • Ruppenhofer, Josef and Laura A. Michaelis. 2010..Constructions and Frames2: 158-184.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2009.. In B. Heine and H. Narrog, (eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.155-176.
  • Thomas, Michael and Laura A. Michaelis. 2009..In R. Leow, H. Campos and D. Lardiere, (eds.),Little Words: Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and Acquisition. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 131-141.
  • Sikos, Les, Susan W. Brown, Albert E. Kim, Laura A. Michaelis and Martha Palmer. 2008..Papers from the 2008 AAAI Symposium on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures: AAAI Technical Report FS-08-04. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. and Hartwell S. Francis. 2007.. In N. Hedberg and R. Zacharski, (eds.),Topics in the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface: Papers in Honor of Jeanette K. Gundel.Amsterdam: Benjamins. 19-48.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2006.. In K. Brown (ed.),The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second edition, volume 3, 73-84. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2006.. In B. Aarts and A. MacMahon, (eds.),The Handbook of English Linguistics.Oxford: Blackwell. 220-243.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2006. What is an Action-Based Theory of Interpretation?Theoretical Linguistics32: 65-71.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2006. .Language82: 898-901.
  • Hirschberg, Julia, Stefan Benus, Jason Brenier, Frank Enos, Sarah Friedman, Sarah Gilman, Cynthia Girand, Martin Graciarena, Andreas Kathol, Laura A. Michaelis, Bryan Pellom, Elizabeth Shriberg and Andreas Stolke. 2005..Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Brenier, Jason M. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2005..Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory1: 45-88.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2005.. In J.-O. Oestman and M. Fried, (eds.),Construction Grammar(s): Cognitive Grounding and Theoretical Extensions.Constructional Approaches to Language, Volume 3. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 45-87.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2004. Natural Semantic Metalanguage and Cognitive-Functional Models of Grammar.Theoretical Linguistics29: 275–281
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2004..Cognitive Linguistics15: 1-67.
  • Francis, Elaine J. & Laura A. Michaelis (eds.). 2003.Mismatch: Form-Function Incongruity and the Architecture of Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2003.. In E.J. Francis and L.A. Michaelis, (eds.),Mismatch: Form-Function Incongruity and the Architecture of Grammar.Stanford: CSLI Publications. 259-310.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2003.. In H. Cuyckens, R. Dirven and J. Taylor, (eds.),Cognitive Perspectives on Lexical Semantics.Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter. 163-210.
  • Gregory, Michelle L. and Laura A. Michaelis. 2001..Journal of Pragmatics33: 1665-1706.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. 2001.. In M. Haspelmath,E. König, W. Österreicher and W. Raible,eds.,Language Universals and Language Typology: An International Handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 1038-1050.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. & Josef Ruppenhofer. 2001..Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  • Michaelis, Laura A. and Josef Ruppenhofer. 2000..Journal of Semantics17: 335-395.
  • Bellver, Phyllis and Laura A. Michaelis. 2000. In J. Ruppenhofer et al., (eds.),The Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: BLS, Inc.