
  • Charles M. Rackson,Joseph T. Toombs, Martin P. De Beer, Caitlyn C. Cook, Maxim Shusteff,Hayden K. Taylor,Robert R. McLeod, "", OpticsLetters.47, 1279-1282 (2022).
  • Elliot J. Strand, Eloise Bihar, Sean M. Gleason, Sanggil Han, Samuel W. Schreiber, Megan N. Renny, George G. Malliaras, Robert R. McLeod, Gregory L. Whiting, "", Advanced Electronic Materials 2021.
  • Charles M. Rackson, Kyle M. Champley, Joseph T. Toombs, Erika J. Fong, Vishal Bansal, Hayden K. Taylor, Maxim Shusteff, Robert R. McLeod,"", Additive Manufacturing 48, 102367 (2021).
  • Shao-Tuan Chen,Megan N. Renny,Liliana C. Tomé,Jorge L. Olmedo-Martínez,Esther Udabe,Elise P. W. Jenkins,David Mecerreyes,George G. Malliaras,Robert R. McLeod,Christopher M. Proctor, "", Advanced Science 2021.
  • Asais Camila Uzcategui, Callie I Higgins, John E Hergert, Andrew E Tomaschke, Victor Crespo-Cuevas, Virginia L Ferguson, Stephanie J Bryant, Robert R McLeod, Jason P Killgore, "," Small Science, 2021.
  • McLeod, R.R., “,” Polymers 2020, 2744, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/polym12112744
  • Hu, Y., Kowalski, B.A., Mavila, S., Podgórski, M., Sinha, J., Sullivan, A.C., McLeod, R.R., Bowman, C.N., “,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (39), 44103-44109, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c08872
  • Cook, C. C., Fong, E. J., Schwartz, J. J., Porcincula, D. H., Kaczmarek, A. C., Oakdale, J. S., Moran, B. D., Champley, K. M., Rackson, C. M., Muralidharan, A., McLeod, R. R., Shusteff, M., “” Adv. Mater. 2020, 2003376, 2020.
  • D. B. Miller, A. Jones, R.R. McLeod, “” Applied Optics 59 (18), 5399-5407, 2020
  • C.I. Higgins, J. Killgore, F.W. DelRio, S. Bryant, R. R. McLeod, “,” Soft Matter 2020, 4131-4141, 2020
  • M. D. Alim, K. K. Childress, N. J. Baugh, A. M. Martinez, A. Davenport, B. D. Fairbanks, M. K. McBride, B. T. Worrell, J. W. Stansbury, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman, “,” Materials Horizons 7, 835-842, 2020.

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  • Charles Rackson,Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,,University of ֱ, 2022.
  • David Miller,Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,Univesity of ֱ, 2020
  • Marvin Alim,Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering,, Univesity of ֱ, 2019.
  • David Glugla,Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, ,University of ֱ, 2018.
  • Jacob Friedlein, Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,, University of ֱ, 2017.
  • Martha Bodine, Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,,University of ֱ, 2017.
  • Callie Fiedler,,University of ֱ, 2017.

See all dissertations


  • McLeod, R. R; Cole, M.; "," US Patent 8,944,594 (2015)
  • Moore, E.; McLeod, R.; "," US Patent 9,025,160 (2015)
  • McLeod, R. R; Urness, A.; Cole, M.; Moore, E.; "" US Patent 9,034,568 (2015)

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