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- Mansfeldt, C., Achermann, S., Men, Y., Walser, J., Villez, K., Joss, A., Johnson, D., and Fenner, K. 2019. Microbial residence time is a controlling parameter of the taxonomic and functional-enzyme composition of microbial communities. ISMEJ. 13(6), 1589.
- Heavner, G., Mansfeldt, C., Wilkins, M., Nicora, C., Debs, G., Edwards, E., & Richardson, R. 2019. Detection of organohalide-respiring enzyme biomarkers at a bioaugmented TCE-contaminated field site. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.
- Achermann, S., Mansfeldt, C., Johnson, D., and Fenner K. 2019. Metatranscriptomic profiles describes micropollutant biotransformation potential of complex microbial communities. Environmental Science Technology. Under Revision.
- Mansfeldt, C., Deiner, K., Mächler, E., Fenner, K., Eggen, R., Schönenberger, U., Johnson, D., Walser, J., and Altermatt, F. 2019. Bacterial community shifts in streams receiving treated wastewater effluent. Science of the Total Environment. Submitted, Under Revision.
- Achermann, S., Falås, P., Joss, A., Mansfeldt, C., Men, Y., Vogler, B., & Fenner, K. 2018. Trends in micropollutant biotransformation along a solids retention time gradient. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(20):11601–11611. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b02763
- Achermann, S., Bianco, V., Mansfeldt, C., Vogler, B., Kolvenbach, B., Corvini, P., &Â Fenner, K. 2018. Biotransformation of sulfonamide antibiotics in activated sludge: The formation of pterin-conjugates leads to sustained risk. Environmental Science &Â Technology, 52(11):6265-6274. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b06716
- Heavner, G., Mansfeldt, C., Debs, G., Hellerstedt, S., Rowe, A., & Richardson, R. 2018. Biomarkers’ responses to reductive dechlorination rates and oxygen stress in bioaugmentation culture KB-1 TM . Microorganisms, 6(1):13. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms6010013
- Richter, L., Mansfeldt, C., Kuan, M., Cesare, A., Menefee, S., Richardson, R., & Ahner, B. 2018. Altered microbiome leads to significant phenotypic and transcriptomic differences in a lipid accumulating chlorophyte. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (12):6854–6863. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b06581.
- Mansfeldt, C., Richter, L., Ahner, B., Cochlan, W., &Â Richardson, R. 2016. Use of de novo transcriptome libraries to characterize a novel oleaginous marine Chlorella species during the accumulation of triacylglycerols. PloS One, 11(2). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147527
- Mansfeldt, C., Heavner, G., Rowe, A., Hayete, B., Church, B., &Â Richardson, R. 2016. Inferring gene networks for strains of Dehalococcoides highlights conserved relationships between genes encoding core catabolic and cell-wall structural proteins. PloS One, 11(11). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166234
Mansfeldt, C., Logsdon, B., Debs, G., &Â Richardson, R. 2015. SPINE: SParse eIgengene NEtwork linking gene expression clusters in Dehalococcoides mccartyi to perturbations in experimental conditions. PloS One, 10(2). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118404.
Rowe, A., Mansfeldt, C., Heavner, G., & Richardson, R. 2015. Relating mRNA and protein biomarker levels in a Dehalococcoides and Methanospirillum-containing community. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(5): 2313-2327. DOI:10.1007/s00253-014-6220-7.
- Mansfeldt, C., Rowe, A., Heavner, G., Zinder, S., &Â Richardson, R. 2014. Meta-analyses of transcriptomic profiles of Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain 195 identify a respiration rate-related gene expression transition point and inter-operon recruitment of a key oxidoreductase subunit. Applied &Â Environmental Microbiology, 80(19):6062-6072. DOI:10.1128/AEM.02130-14.
Heavner, G., Rowe, A., Mansfeldt, C., Pan, J., Gossett, J., &Â Richardson, R. 2013. Molecular biomarker-based biokinetic modeling of a PCE-dechlorinating and methanogenic mixed culture. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(8):3724-3733. DOI:10.1021/es303517s.
- Rowe, A., Mansfeldt, C., Heavner, G., &Â Richardson, R. 2012. Methanospirillum respiratory mRNA biomarkers correlate with hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis rate during growth and competition for hydrogen in an organochlorine-respiring mixed culture. Environmental Science &Â Technology, 47(1):372-381. DOI:10.1021/es303061y.
- Rowe, A., Heavner, G., Mansfeldt, C., Werner, J., &Â Richardson, R. 2012. Relating chloroethene respiration rates in Dehalococcoides to protein and mRNA biomarkers. Environmental Science &Â Technology, 46(17):9388-9397. DOI:10.1021/es300996c.