09/09 - Ankur presented our group's work at theInnovation Dayorganized by Science History Institute (). Thanks to organizing committee for the invite!

08/22 - Our entire group attended the ACS Fall meeting Denver. Ankur co-organized a minisymposium on electrical double layers. Grace won the ACS poster award from the Colloids division; congratulations, Grace!

08/08 - Filipe and Nathan defend their PhD on the same day. Many congratulations!! Read their prior work in the publications section. More papers to come soon.

08/07 - Ritu has been selected to be a presenter at theֱ Boulder Innovation in Materials Symposium 2024. Congratulations, Ritu.

08/01 - Paloma presented her work at the YSSRP poster session and receivedthe second prize (Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Techniques). Congratulations, Paloma!

06/22 - Our group attended ACS Colloids session in Seattle. It was great to meet up with friends and colleagues. Thanks for the wonderful discussions.

06/20 - Ankur delivered a lecture on supercapacitors at an summer camp for first-generation high school students as part of NSF CAREER outreach.

06/03 - Paloma has joined our group for the summer as a Young Scholars Summer Research Program. Welcome Paloma!

05/23 - Filipe's paper is out in PNAS. Please refer to publications for media coverage.Congratulations, Filipe.

05/08 - Congratulations to Zoe and Sajan for finishing their undergraduate degrees at ֱ Boulder!

04/23 - Congratulations to Julia Callejonfor winning the Graduate Students’ Service to theDepartment–Teaching and Mentorship award.

04/23 - Congratulations to Ritu Raj for winning the Graduate Students’ Service to theDepartment–Teaching and Mentorship award.

04/23- Congratulations to Filipe for winning the prestigious Max Peters Outstanding graduate student award. This is highest award given by the department for outgoing students.

04/15 - Congratulations to Zoe Cruse for winning the NSF GRFP. Zoe worked with out group for the past two years and is headed to University of Michigan for grad school. Congratulations, Zoe.

03/15 - Ethan Coleman has joined our group has an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Ethan.

03/04 - Congratulations Filipe and Nathan for clearing their comprehensive exam.

02/27 -Checked out the new pre-print byArkavaGangulyand SouradeepRoychowdhury on a universal approach to calculating mobility of phoretic and self-phoreitc particles. ()

02/27 - We welcome Ethan Coleman to the group. Ethan is a junior in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department.

02/08 - Ritu Raj is selected as the lead department TA for the next AY. Congratulations, Ritu.

01/04 - We welcome Dr. SiamakMirfendereski to the group! He is joining the group as a postdoctoral scholar and will be working on a variety of projects.


12/30 - Ben's work on Turing patterns is selected as atop discovery of 2023 at ֱ Boulder (link to the stories). Check out other exciting science as well.

12/18 - Ritu, Arkava and Cora's paper is out in Frotiners in Physics ().The paper is open source, so feel free to share the paper broadly. Congratulations, Ritu, Arkava and Cora.

12/14 - Sajan presented his undergraduate thesis work. Congratulations, Sajan.

12/14 - Arkava is awarded with prestigious The Teets Family Endowment in Nano-Technology Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations, Arkava()

11/30 - Arkava and Ben's perspective on Diffusiophoresis is out now in Frontiers in Sensors (). The paper is open source, so feel free to share the paper broadly. Congratulations, Arkava and Ben.

11/22 - Our grouppresented 6 talks and 2 posters at the APS-DFD conference in DC! Thank you to the DFD community for another successful meeting with exciting discussions.

11/08 - Ben's paperis offifically out in Science Advances. The paper is featured in , , , , , ֱ Boulder Today, , , , and many others. Congratulations, Ben!

11/08 - Ankur presented three talks at AIChE. Thank you for all the questions and feedback.

11/06 - Zoe won the 3rd best poster award in the materials science section at AIChE. Congratulations Zoe and we are excited for you!!

10/01 - Ankur is selected forAIChE 35 under 35 Award. Congratulations to all the awardees ()

09/30 - Ben's paper on Turing patterns is accepted to Science Advances. Congratulations, Ben!

09/18 - Zoe is selected for Rice University's Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congratulations, Zoe.

09/08- Ritu and Arkava engage in an outreach opportunity with OPCOE. Thanks Ritu and Arkava!

09/07 - Ankur delivers the Dream Chemistry Lecture at IChF, Warsaw(read the news article). Thanks Pawel Zuk for the invite.

08/24 - Nathanreceived the GAANN fellowship for the Fall 2023 semester. Congratulations, Nathan.

08/02 - Nathan and Filipe's paper on asymmetric rectified electric fields (AREFs) from surface reactionsis now out in Soft Matter (). Congrats Nathan and Filipe!

07/20 - Ritu's paper in Soft Matter earlier this year has been selected as a"HOT article" by the editors (). Free access until Aug-18.

06/25 - Ankur will be delivering the Dream Chemistry Lecture in Warsaw, Poland (read the news article).

06/07 - Our group participated in the ACS Colloids Meeting. We had a total of 11 contributions, including a session keynote. We had a great time with excellent scientific discussions.

06/01 - Undergraduates Rosby and Lucas joined our group to conduct research over the summer. Welcome Rosby and Lucas.

05/24 - Ben's paper on Turing patterns is out on arxiv (). Congratulations, Ben!

04/03 - Our group received the seed-grant from RIO office at ֱ to pursue a collaborative research project with the FLOW lab (). We are excited to begin this formal collaboration.

03/29- Ritu and Ben were awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.Congratulations Ritu and Ben!!

03/28 - Zoe has won the prestigious undergraduate research award. Congratulations, Zoe.

03/27 - Ben will be heading to Stanford Mechanical Engineering to pursue graduate school. We are stoked and excited for Ben. Congratulations!

03/14 -Sajanand Filipe are trying to make scientific publications more accesible through interactive blogs.The project aims to make scientific papers more accessible to everyone andis supported through NSF CAREER and ֱ Next grants ()

03/10 - Our group's work, led by Ritu, was profiled in Soft Matter Emerging Investigator Series()

03/01 - Grace Origer and Cora Becker joined our group for research during the Spring semester! Welcome Grace and Cora.

02/15- Ritu clears his preliminary exam.Congratulations Ritu!

01/10- Ritu has receive GAANN fellowship for Spring 2023 in the area ofSoft Materials. Congratulations Ritu!

01/09 - Our group has received the NSF CAREER Award. Thank to all the mentors, colleagues and students for support. (, link to news article)

01/06- Arkava's paper is acceptedin Physical Review Fluids (). Congratulations Arkava.

01/03 - Ritu's paper is out in Soft Matter (). Congratulations Ritu.


12/09 - Zoe Cruse presenter her undergraduate thesis research at the Department poster session.

11/27 - Ritu Raj's first paper is on arxiv (). Congratulations Ritu.

11/22- Several members of our group (Filipe, Nathan, Arkava, Ritu and Ankur) attended the APS-DFD Annual 2022 Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. We gave 4 talks at the meeting and are excited to pursue all the new ideas that came out from the discussions.

11/17- Ankur attended the AIChE Annual 2022 Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, and presented several talks on behalf of students.

11/08- Arkavaclears his preliminary exam.Congratulations Arkava!

11/08- The Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) award by IIT Delhifor Ankur is covered in ChBE news(link to news).

11/07 - Our ACS Pertroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator award has been covered in ChBE news (link to news).

10/19 - Arkava Ganguly’s first paper is on arxiv (). Congratulations Arkava.

10/19 - Filipe Henrique finishes his Advanced TA lecture for graduate transport phenomena.

10/03 - Ankur Gupta is awarded the Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) award by IIT Delhi (). Congratulations Ankur!

09/18 - Filipe Henrique’s second first-author paper is out in Electrochimica Acta (). CongratulationsFilipe!

09/07 - Nathan Jarvey’s first first-author paper is out in Journal of Electrochemical Society (). Congratulations Nathan!

09/01 - Eliot Rusley joins the group to pursue independent research on desalination. Welcome Eliot!

09/01 - Souradeep Roychowdhury joins the group to pursue independent research on diffusiophoresis. Welcome Souradeep!

08/30 - Ankur Gupta presents our group’s work as a DARPA Riser at the DARPA Forwarded Conference at CSU Fort Collins.

08/19 - Nathan Jarvey wins the ARCS Foundation Scholarship (). Congratulations Nathan!

08/09 - LIFE lab participates in the Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Symosium.

07/25 - Ankur Gupta participates in the Chemical Engineering Summer School at ֱ School of Mines.

07/11 - The LIFE lab participates at ACS Colloids 2022 at ֱ School of Mines. Filipe Henrique is selected as the finalist for Langmuir Student Award.

06/20 - Ankur Gupta organizes the “Elecrokinetics for nano- and microfluidics” session with Dr. Aditya Khair and Dr. Henry Chu at USNCTAM in Austin, TX

05/26 - The LIFE lab received funding from the ֱ Next ward to create teaching simulations ()

05/24 - The LIFE lab receives funding to study from ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator program ()

05/06 - Ankur Gupta is selected as a DARPA Riser for the DARPA Forward Conference at CSU Fort Collins.

05/03 - Ankur Gupta visits Stanford to give the fluid mechanics talk on LIFE’s work on electrolyte transport. Thank you Dr. Eric Shaqfeh for hosting us and for the opportunity to share our work.

05/01 - William Steinfort joins the group for the summer to work on Physics Informed Neutral Network based modeling of electrolyte transport. Welcome Will!

04/26 - Ankur Gupta is awarded the Outstanding Graduate Instructor award for teaching CHEN-5210.

04/26 - Arkava Ganguly receives the Mukopadhyay Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Arkava!

04/08 - Ankur Gupta gives a virtual talk at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) about LIFE’s work on electrolyte transport. Thanks to Mark Ruth for the invitation.

03/31 - LIFE’s work is profiled by ֱ Engineering ()

02/15 - Zoe Cruse and Sajan Williams join the group. Welcome Zoe and Sajan!

02/03 - Ankur Gupta gives a virtual talk at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) about LIFE’s work on electrolyte transport. Thank to Dr. Rohit Kannan for the invitation.

01/03 - Ritu Raj and Arkava Ganguly officially join the LIFE lab. Welcome Ritu and Arkava!

01/03 - Nathan Jarvey is awarded the GAANN fellowship for the semester. Congratulations Nathan!


11/21 - LIFE group attends APS-DFD in Phoenix, AZ.

11/17 - Filipe’s first first-author paper is accepted in Soft Matter (). Congratulations Filipe! This is also LIFE’s first paper.

11/07 - Ankur Gupta attends AIChE Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.

10/27 - Congratulations to Filipe Henrique and Nathan Jarvey for clearing the preliminary examination.

10/07 - Ankur Gupta gives a virtual talk at Baylor University Mechanical Engineering Department about LIFE’s work on electrolyte transport. Thanks to Dr. Min Pack for the invitation.

10/04 - Ankur Gupta gives a virtual talk at University of Florida Chemical Engineering Department about LIFE’s work on electrolyte transport. Thanks to Dr. Henry Chu for the invitation.

09/23 - Filipe Henrique wins the Ryland Family Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Filipe(read here).

08/09 - LIFE lab participates in the Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Symposium.

05/19 - Ankur Gupta is awarded the Outstanding Graduate Instructor award for teaching CHEN-5210.

04/16 - Ankur Gupta gives a virtual talk at Complex Fluids Seminar at Carnegie Mellon University. Thanks to Angela Yang for the invitation.

03/01 - Alex Jimenez joins the group.

01/04 - LIFE lab starts. Welcome Filipe Henqirue and Nathan Jarvey as first graduate students.