Background, Experience, Etc.


  • Ph.D. (1967), M. A. (1963) - University of California, Berkeley (Major: Political Science)
    • Fields: International Relations, Political Behavior, Political Theory, Public Administration
    • Languages: French, German
  • A. B., Cum Laude, (1960) - Harvard College, Cambridge (Major: Government)
    • Fields: Political Theory and Comparative Government


  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science: University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Boulder, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, 1975-2005
  • Professor, Department of Political Science: University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Boulder, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, 1975-2005
  • Associate Professor, Department of Government, University of Texas, Austin, 1970-1975
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Government, University of Texas, Austin, 1967-1970
  • Visiting Professor, Institut d'Études Politiques, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux France, 2003
  • Visiting Fellow, Centre for International Studies, History Faculty, University of Cambridge, England, 1982.

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Boulder Faculty Assembly, Award for Excellence in Service, 2003.
  • University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, International Affairs Program, Outstanding Professor, March, 1997.
  • C-SPAN Conference Grant," January, 1992.
  • C-SPAN Faculty Development Grant, "The Persian Gulf Debates," April, 1991.
  • University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Council on Research and Creative Work, Small Grant. "Congressional Hearings and Foreign Policy Making," Spring 1991.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, University of Iowa, Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, $15,000. "The Rhetoric of Reason in International Relations," Fall 1990.
  • University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, College of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Writing Prize for Best Article, "War Cues and Foreign Policy Acts" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, and L. E. Bourne, Jr.), American Political Science Review, 81,3 (September, 1987): pp. 701-716.
  • Institute for World Order, program development grants, 1974-1977 (with Oran Young, Elise Boulding) ($225,000).
  • National Endowment for the Humanities summer research grant, 1972.
  • Earhart Foundation Research Grant, 1972.
  • Fulbright Research Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute, Catholic University, The Netherlands, 1971.
  • Inter-University Consortium for Political Research, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Michigan, summer 1978.
  • Mershon Program for Education in National Security, Doctoral Fellowship, Ohio State University, 1966-1967.
  • Fulbright Fellowship, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris, 1965-1966.
  • Heller Grant, University of California, Berkeley, 1960-1961.
  • Undergraduate Scholarship, Harvard College, 1957-1958.

Editorial Activity

  • Editor (with Ted R. Gurr)
    • Conflict, Violence, Peace: An International Series of Books. Sage Publications, 1990-1993.
  • Assistant Editor
    • Journal of Politics, 1968-1971.
  • Editorial Board
    • Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 1997-present.
  • Panel of Reviewers
    • Mershon International Studies Review, 1993.
  • Referee for:
    • American Political Science Review
    • American Journal of Political Science
    • Canada Council
    • Canadian Journal of Political Science
    • Central European Review of International Affairs
    • European Journal of International Relations
    • European Journal of Political Research
    • International Studies Quarterly
    • Journal of Memetics
    • Journal of Peace Research
    • Journal of Politics
    • Peace and Change
    • Political Communication
    • Political Psychology
    • Political Research Quarterly
    • Politics and the Life Sciences
    • Presidential Studies Quarterly
    • Journal of Conflict Resolution
    • Journal of Theoretical Politics
    • Rhetoric and Public Affairs
    • Social Science Quarterly
    • Western Political Quarterly
    • National Science Foundation
    • National University Press Book Award
    • Research Council of Canada
    • Sage Publications
    • St. Martin's Press
    • University of Chicago Press
    • University of Denver, Graduate School of International Studies, Monograph Series in World Affairs
    • University of Texas Press
    • W. H. Freeman


  • University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥
    • Director of Graduate Studies, Political Science Department, 1993-1995.
    • Director, Conflict and Peace Studies Program, 1975-1977.
  • University of Texas
    • Director, International Studies Program, 1973-1975
    • Chairman, Committee on International Studies, 1973-1975.
    • Director, World Order Program, 1974-1975.
    • Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Government, 1972-1974
    • Chairman, Undergraduate Curriculum and Program Committee,
    • Department of Government, 1972-1974.
  • International Studies Association
    • Director, Electronic Network and Archive, Foreign Policy Section.
  • Experiment in International Living
    • Director, Academic Year Program, Tunis, 1969-1970.

External Service and Activities

  • ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥
    • ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Coordinating Commission for Higher Education, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Faculty Advisory Committee, 1999-2000
    • ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ University Faculty Leaders Association, 1999-2000, 1994-1995
    • Governor of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Front Range Project, Visions Task Force, 1980.
  • International Political Science Association
    • Research Committee 29, Psychopolitics
    • Executive Committee, 1993-present.
  • International Society of Political Psychology
    • Governing Council, 1999-2002
    • Nominating Committee, 1999
  • International Studies Association
    • Advisory Committee, International Communications Section
    • Executive Committee, 1986-1988.
    • Governing Council, 1983-1988
    • Committee on Information Systems, 1994-1996
    • Constitutional Revision Committee (Chair), 1987-1988.
    • Karl W. Deutsch Award Committee, 1987-1990.
    • Nominating Committee (Chair), 1983.
    • Program Chair, Peace Studies Section, 1986.
    • Task Force on Future Goals, 1974.
  • International Studies Association/West
    • President, 1984-1986.
    • Program Chair, 1984-1986.
  • Western Political Science Association
    • Program Chair for International Relations, 1987.
  • Tenure and Promotion Referee
    • Arizona State University
    • Louisiana State University
    • New York University
    • Ohio State University
    • Purdue University
    • UCLA
    • University of Denver
    • University of Illinois
    • University of Nevada
    • University of Oregon
    • University of Southern California
    • University of Washington
    • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Associations
    • American Political Science Association
    • International Political Science Association
    • International Society for Political Psychology
    • International Studies Association
    • National Communication Association
    • Rhetorical Studies Association
  • Listings
    • American Men and Women of Science
    • Contemporary Authors
    • Dictionary of International Biography
    • Directory of American Scholars
    • International Directory of Distinguished Leadership
    • International Who's Who of Professionals
    • Men of Achievement
    • Who's Who (Sterling)
    • Who's Who among Human Services Professionals
    • Who's Who in America (Marquis)
    • Who's Who in American Education (Marquis)
    • Who's Who in the West (Marquis)
    • Who's Who in the World (Marquis)

University Service - University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥

  • University-wide
    • Regents
      • Annual Budget Retreat, 1994, 1999
      • Compensation Committee, 1993-1994
    • Faculty Council
      • Chair, Committee on Public Service and Information 1994-1995
      • Budget Committee, 1993-1994
      • Executive Committee, 1999-2001, 1993-1995.
  • Boulder Campus
    • Chancellor's Committees
      • Budget Director Recruitment Committee, 1993-1994
      • Campus Executive Committee, 1999-2001
      • Excellence Task Force, Subcommittee on Costs, 1993-1994
      • Salary Equity Committee for Women and Minorities, 1986, 1990.
      • Salary Process Committee, 1994.
    • Vice Chancellor's Committees
      • Council of Deans, 1999-2001
    • Boulder Faculty Assembly
      • Chair, Boulder Faculty Assembly, 1999-2001.
      • Chair, Budget Committee, 1993-1994.
      • Administrative Restructuring Committee, 1993-1994
      • Budget Committee, 1991-1998
      • Executive Committee, 1999-2000, 1993-1994
      • Faculty Representative 1983-1985, 1995-1998
  • College of Arts and Sciences
    • Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Executive Board, 1979-1986.
    • Conflict and Peace Studies Committee, 1975-1990.
    • Institute for Behavioral Science Research Associate, 1975-1986.
    • International Affairs Committee, 1983-1992.
    • Program Review Process, Internal Review Committee
      • Eastern European and Slavic Studies, 1991.
      • Psychology, 1996
  • Political Science Department
    • Center for International Relations
    • Board of Directors, 1982-present.
    • Curriculum Review Committee, 1991-1992.
    • Director of Graduate Studies, 1993-1995
    • Environmental Hazards Committee, 1988-1990.
    • Executive Committee, 1976-1978, 1981-1983, 1992-1994.
    • Graduate Admissions and Awards, 1985-1987, 1993-1995,
      • Chair, 1984-1985.
    • Graduate Curriculum Committee, 1991-1995. Chair, 1993-1995.
    • Recruitment Committee, Chair for International Relations, 1983-1984, 1992-1993.
    • Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1975-1976.

Public Lectures

  • "War and Peace in the 21st Century," Public lecture in series on War sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Arts, University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Boulder.
  • "The Meaning of War and Peace," Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry Colloquium, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1998.
  • "Decision Science in Complex Societies: Psychological Laboratory Experiments on International Conflict and Cooperation" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, L. Bourne), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1997.
  • "Talking War and Peace: Realism and Rhetoric in American Foreign Policy Discourse," Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1996.
  • "Post-Realism, Just War, and the New World Order," Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa 1995.
  • "Between Maastricht and Sarajevo: European Identities, Narratives, Myths," Dickinson College, Carlisle Pennsylvania, 1994.
  • "The Psychology of Peace and War: The Persian Gulf Debates," Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, 1991.
  • "Validities," "Reasons," "Paths through a Conversation" (with G. R. Boynton), Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, University of Iowa, 1990.
  • "Is Peace Possible?" Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington, 1987.
  • "Nuclear Weapons and World Order," Wichita State University, 1985.
  • "Nuclear Weapons and the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement," University of New Orleans, 1984.
  • "International Relations and Peace Research," Mills College, Oakland, California, 1983.
  • "Toward a Simulation Model of Peace and War," Science Center, Berlin, 1983.
  • "The Study of International Relations in the United States," University of Cambridge and Bradford University, England, 1983.
  • "The Nature and Causes of Peace and War," University of Cambridge, University of East Anglia and University of Bradford, England, 1983.