information science
- As CMCI Peer Career Coach, Max has earned the respect of his fellow students, staff and faculty. He is an excellent guide for students who seek him out for resume help, internship searches and more.
- It’s inevitable that at some point we must all “get our affairs in order,” and when we do, there are checklists, policies and professionals to help create everything from wills and trusts to advance directives. But a key element––guidance surrounding technology and end-of-life planning––is missing. Assistant Professor Jed Brubaker will work to close this gap through a five-year research project supported by a prestigious NSF CAREER grant.
- Taking courses this summer? CMCI has 20 summer scholarships ($500 each) available for undergraduate students.
- Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, an Information Science PhD student, has been awarded the Microsoft Research Fellowship for 2021. He studies how and why facial recognition technologies get it wrong.
- ֱ Buffs share experience with racial injustice on campus and illuminate paths toward anti-racism.
- Featuring Casey Fiesler (Information Science)
- Featuring Casey Fiesler (Information Science)