Nathaniel Longmore
Master's Student
Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design

Nathaniel Longmore (he/him) is a writer at heart with passions for social justice, creativity, and the Oxford comma. He is currently a digital communications coordinator for an interstate agency focused on student access to postsecondary education and a freelance content writer for a marketing company in the automotive industry. No matter where his career takes him, Nate hopes to continue working in spaces that make a difference in people’s lives.

Nate holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media Arts from Montclair State University with minors in Creative Writing and Public and Professional Writing. While he enjoys exploring ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥â€™s mountains, Nate can often be found heading back to the east coast for a beach day and a bagel.

He lives in Boulder with his partner and their cat, Rose, and dog, Peach.