Daily Camera: "World wild web: Dairy’s digital-driven exhibit ‘Brutal Realities’ challenges world perception"

Jan. 27, 2020

Featuring Professor Mark Amerika, founder of ֱ's TECHNE Lab

The Conversation: "If the Romance Writers of America can implode over racism, no group is safe"

Jan. 27, 2020

Featuring Assistant Professor Christine Larson

The Philadelphia Inquirer: "Teens are using TikTok to talk about mental health, relationship abuse, and sexuality"

Jan. 27, 2020

Director of Technology Influenced Practice Samira Rajabi

PBS: "Local newsrooms across the country are closing. Here’s why that matters"

Jan. 27, 2020

Director of ֱ News Corps Chuck Plunkett

Routledge: "Making Nonprofit News"

Jan. 27, 2020

Featuring Assistant Professor Pat Ferucci

Columbia Journalism Review: "‘When money is offered, we listen’: foundation funding and nonprofit journalism"

Jan. 27, 2020

Featuring Assistant Professor Pat Ferucci

NiemanLab: "Foundation grants have strings attached, and nonprofit journalists sometimes don’t like being told what to do by them"

Jan. 27, 2020

Featuring Assistant Professor Pat Ferucci

"Greta Thunberg and the trouble with changing the world"

Oct. 22, 2019

It is a refrain among many young people today and an unquestioned good that they want to change the world. This statistically significant surge in things like volunteering, donating and civic engagement has been celebrated as a virtue of millennials and our successors, Generation Z, compensating for our digital addictions...

"Breakups suck. They could suck less"

Oct. 22, 2019

As social media has become increasingly integrated into our lives, milestones traditionally practiced offline have shifted into our online lives. For example, becoming “Facebook Official” with a romantic partner has become an important relationship milestone to many, carrying equal significance to moving in with one another.

"Three decades go by in flash at Time Warp Comics"

Oct. 22, 2019

Associate professor J. Richard Stevens specializes in media studies at ֱ Boulder and teaches “First Year Seminar: Comic Books and Public Pedagogy.” Growing up with comic books, he was aware of the impact they had on his awareness of the world. Stevens knew analyzing comic books would be beneficial for...
