Spring 2025 Graduation

Processional in the rain ChBE graduation May 2023

Chemical and Biological Engineering Recognition Ceremony for the Class of 2025

Graduating students from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering will be recognized on the west-facing lawn of the Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building (JSCBB) on East Campus on Thursday, May 8, 2025, from 12-3 p.m. MDT. JSCBB is located at 3415 ֱ Avenue, Boulder.The ceremony will begin promptly at noon, followed by an appetizer reception in the same location. The event will be held rain or shine, so please plan accordingly.

The university commencement ceremony will occur Thursday, May 8, 2025, 8:30 a.m. MDT at Folsom Field stadium.The university-wide event is a ceremony for all campus graduates and features the Chancellor and other special guests. Students do not walk across the stage.

Students eligible to graduate will be emailed a form to RSVP for the ceremony.

Graduates who are not attending should RSVP so we can get input on your college experience and post-graduation plans. Walk-only students should RSVP as well. If you have not received an email by March 3, 2025, please contact the ChBE Graduation Committee at chemeng@colorado.edu. Use "Graduation 2025" in the subject line.

PLEASE NOTE: this form is NOT the same as applying for graduation, which is an academic process. Students must apply to graduate through. You can also refer to information at the Registrar’s website or contact your advisor.

Walk-only is for students graduating in summer 2025.

The University of ֱ Boulder is committed to providing equal access to individuals with disabilities. Our ceremony site will include an accessible path of travel for individuals in wheelchairs or motorized scooters. The accessible path of travel will cover the grass and will allow individuals in wheelchairs or motorized scooters to get to and from the seating area as well as the reception area. There is accessible parking in Biotech parking lot 543, and an accessible ramp leads up to the graduation area. There is also accessible parking on the northeast side of the building on Innovation Drive.

Guests arriving on the shuttle or parking in the accessible parking on the northeast side of the building can get to the graduation area by entering the building through the E-wing, take a left in the hallway to get to the elevator, exit the elevator on the first floor and go left through the hallway, then turn right in the lobby with the staircase to exit the doors, which leads to the west patio and the graduation area. It’s also possible to get to the graduation area by following the sidewalk around the south end of the building.

ADA Compliance Office Contact Information:

ADA Compliance Office – adacoordinator@colorado.edu (303) 492-9725

Caitlin O'Donnell, Director of ADA Compliance & ADA Coordinator, caitlin.odonnell@colorado.edu, (303) 735-7523

Graduation Regalia

The university commencement is an academic ceremony, and all participants must wear approved cap and gowns. Graduates also must wear their regalia for the ChBE Graduation Ceremony. Studentscan purchase theirregalia from the ֱ Book Store online or in person, or directly from Jostens online, however, please pay special attention to their e-ordering deadlines.

Student Spring Cap & Gown Info

Faculty Commencement and Regalia Information


The graduation ceremony is optional and is not an official confirmation of your degree completion. You must apply to graduate throughto officially earn your diploma from ֱ Boulder. You can also refer to information at theRegistrar’s websiteor contact your advisor.


All campus parking lots will be open on a “space available” basis for public parking during commencement. Parking on-campus, including at parking meters and pay station lots, is FREE on the day of Commencement and on all Recognition Ceremony Days. Information on parking for the university commencement ceremony.


Contact chemeng@colorado.eduwith any questions.

Please check back here as we approach the end of the spring 2025 semester for further updates.