Step Three: Expand your professional experiences

  • Apply for internships and other experiences using Handshake.ج‎
  • Participate in workshops to learn how to tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and create your search strategy.
  • Revise your resume using the free AI resume editor by Quinncia. Remember to feature relevant skills for the work you want, and upload your resume to Handshake. Make sure your profile is visible to employers.
  • Attend career fairs and employer events in your field of interest.ج‎
  • Continue building your professional network. Identify professional organizations and associations using “What Can I Do With This Major?â€‌ related to your career interests.
  • Check in on your MySkills skill-building plan. Are you building a balance of both foundational and technical skills? Do you know which skills are required for the career you'd like? If you need a refresher or an update to your plan, request a skills report to see which skills you should be building now and learn how to build career-relevant skills.