529 College Savings Plan
Inform the investment group or financial advisor responsible for initiating payments of theÌýtuition due dateÌýa few weeks in advance because processing times vary.Ìý
To figure out the one-year costs for your 529 plan, visitÌýthe Office of Financial Aid's CostÌýpage for direct and indirect expenses to include inÌýyour estimate.
Mailing Address for 529 Savings Plans, 529 Prepaid Tuition, Family Trusts
Make payments payable to the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥. Third party checks made payable to individuals and endorsed will not be accepted.
Include the student’s full 9-digit student ID number on the check.
Mail payments directly to the university at:
Bursar’s Office – OCM
University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder
2055 Regent Dr., room 175
41 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0041
Direct Billing
If a 529 program, trust fund, or other third party payer needs to be billed directly from the university (and cannot accept the bill in the student’s name), please send the letter of authorization to 3rd Party Sponsorships.