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Chair, David Cook-Martín, Activities Update


“Migration Myopias and Insights from the Global South” with Katie Jensen in “Symposium on Latin America” in Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section, Volume 43 (2): Summer 2022 



  • American Sociological Association, “Paper People: Indian Ocean Prologues to Temporary Labor Migration Schemes” in a session entitled Bureaucratic (Mis)Management of South-South Migration, Panelist, August 6, 2022 
  • “Diversions and Ruses of State Migration Politics: The Case of Temporary Labor Migration Schemes”, Keynote for the Inaugural Conference of the Midwest Migration, Ethnicity, and Race Conference, Detroit, May 5, 2022 
  • “Temporary People and Middle Class Nation Building in Australia, Canada, and the US”, panelist, conference entitled Middle Class Nation-Building Through Immigration? Organized by Elke Winter, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, September 21-23