
Principal Investigator
Jun Ye


Collaboration + support
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); ֱ Boulder College of Engineering & AppliedScience and Department of Physics; Harvard University; MIT; Stanford University; University ofDelaware; University of Oregon; University of New Mexico; University of Innsbruck in Austria; LosAlamos National Laboratory; MIT Lincoln Laboratory; Sandia National Laboratory

Jun Yeֱ Boulder has been selected to launch and lead a new science and engineering research center toexplore the biggest challenges of the quantum world—from better understanding how the atoms inan atomic clock “tick” to how those processes can improve the science of measurement and probefor mysterious dark matter.

The Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering (Q-SEnSE) center, fundedby the National Science Foundation and led by Fellow , is a major component of thecampus ֱbit Quantum Initiative. Q-SEnSE includes 37 researchers from 12 U.S. and internationalorganizations and will bring together physicists and engineers to turn fundamental scientificadvances into real-world technologies.

“Imagine if we can build robust quantum systems that can go outside of our labs, that cancompletely change how we sense the physical world, how we navigate and how we communicatewith each other,” Ye said.