Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 in China and the U.S. through Literature and Writing is a 2020-2021 special project undertaken by TEA with funding from the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Office of Engagement and Outreach and the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA). The project worked with ten secondary teachers to introduce them and their students to the book Wuhan Diaries: Dispatches from a Quarantined City, by the Chinese author Fang Fang. 

Wuhan Diaries is a compilation of daily entries Fang Fang posted to the online platform WeChat as the city went into lockdown in early 2020. Compiled and translated into English by Michael Berry, this book now gives readers an entree into the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Fang Fang’s eyewitness accounts not only reveal her personal observations but are also a testimony to societal anxieties and fears about the pandemic and its handling by local authorities. As Fang describes personal losses, she also gives voice to health care workers on the front lines as well as city dwellers tackling social distancing and isolation. Parts of her work have been read as critical of the government’s response. The book also shows the reach of the Internet in combatting the restrictions – both physical and political – of the time.  

Participating teachers critically read the diary entries to comprehend how the Chinese city of Wuhan dealt with the infection and the lockdown, as seen through Fang Fang's eyes. They participated in two webinars to better understand 1) the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan and 2) its effects on the recent rise of anti-Asian racist incidents. They then created their own teaching plans to introduce the book to their students. Students, in turn, wrote their own reflections on their experiences living through the pandemic in the U.S.

Below are some samples of the student writing, undertaken during Spring 2021. Samples are reprinted here with parental permission, and some authors requested to remain anonymous. Students are from multiple grades from middle to high school in different types of courses ranging from Chinese language to World History courses. 

Aneri Sanghani - student

June 2, 2021

An essay left undone, the same forty-three songs on repeat, cookies burning in the kitchen because not a single one of us feels the need to get up. What started as a pandemic has become a prison. When the lockdown started in March of 2020 following the upsurge in Covid-19...

Alexa Darnaby - student

June 2, 2021

In just a year, millions of people worldwide died. These people are not just a statistic. They were living breathing people with souls. They laughed and cried and loved. Whether they were young or old, their lives were cut short. Now, there are children who will grow up without parents...

Ayla Santos - student

June 2, 2021

The Wuhan Diary and My Personal Accounts of the COVID-19 Pandemic I come from a Carribean country that faces the brutalities of a communist and totalitarian government system, taking away the rights of their citizens and gatekeeping their liberties. However, I have never seen this stark of a political divide...

Rachel Farinas - student

June 2, 2021

My Experience During the 2020 Pandemic (and What I Learned) I don’t think anyone was really prepared for the perpetual dumpster fire that was 2020, which is a sentiment I’m sure Fang Fang can understand. Generally, as the promise of a new calendar year begins to approach, people will either...

Sushma Katta - student

June 2, 2021

When the lockdown first started in the United States, none of us expected it to last longer than two weeks. I remember when the lockdown was first announced, my friends and I celebrated because we would have a two week break from school. Looking back at it, a year later...

Khushi Kapoor - student

June 2, 2021

My last day of physical school was Friday, March 13, 2020. The first time I had heard of the Coronavirus was on the news, around December of 2019. After that, I kept on hearing more and more reports of cases, and slowly enough, it had spread over to Europe. From...

Ananya Saridena - student

June 2, 2021

Currently, our world is changing during our physical and mental fight against the novel coronavirus. Truthfully, the coronavirus started as much less of a real threat than it is now. I think it’s fair to say that most of the country was not worried about how it might affect us...

Anonymous - student

May 27, 2021

Letter to the author (originally written in Chinese) Hello Fang Fang. My name is XX. I am a 17 year old high school student. I feel that this letter of yours is very meaningful. The things you wrote within your letter are very interesting. For example, when you said that...

Anonymous - student

May 27, 2021

Letter to the author (originally written in Chinese) Hello Fang, Fang, My name is XX, and I am an American high school student. I read your diary called The Wuhan Diary and found it very interesting. Out of the diary, I enjoyed the the March 18th excerp the most. It...

Victoria Zangaro - student

May 26, 2021

Traveling during the pandemic is something that for many seemed like a nightmare and at moments for me too. The numerous news outlets would not allow you to forget about how impossible and appalling it would be to travel during these unprecedented times. However, when tragedy hits, there might not...
