INVITED FAÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥LTY TALK - Applications Of Wavelet Analysis In Hydrology

Neupauer , Roseanna M 1 1 Univ. of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Wavelet analysis is a relatively new tool for data analysis and signal processing. Similar to Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis identifies dominant periods or scales in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional data sets. The key difference between Fourier analysis and wavelet analysis is in...

Regional Assessment Of Lake Sensitivity To Acidification From Atmospheric Deposition Of Pollutants In Five National Parks Of The Rocky Mountains

Nanus , Leora 1 ; Williams , Mark W. 2 ; Campbell , Donald H. 3 1 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder 2 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder 3 United States Geological Survey Acidification of high-elevation lakes in the Western United States is of concern because of the storage and release of...

The Impact Of Soil Reflectance On The Quantification Of The Green Vegetation Fraction

Montandon , Laure 1 ; Small , Eric E. 2 1 ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder 2 ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder The green vegetation fraction (Fg) is an important climate and hydrologic model parameter. Common methods to calculate Fg, like the Gutman and Ignatov (GI) approach and its derived quadratic version, are simple mixing models...

INVITED TALK: Reconstructing Snow Water Equivalent In The Rio Grande Headwaters Using Remotely Sensed Snow Cover Data And A Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Model

Molotch , Noah 1 1 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ A spatially distributed snowmelt model was used to simulate pixel-specific daily snowmelt and snow water equivalent (SWE) over the Rio Grande headwaters (3,419 km2). Melt flux estimates were coupled with three different time-series of...

Hyporheic Exchange And Humic Redox Reactions In An Alpine Stream/Wetland Ecosystem, ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Front Range

Miller , Matthew 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 ; Cory , Rose 3 ; Williams , Mark 4 ; Runkel , Robert 5 1 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ 2 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Institute...

Preservation Of Water Samples For Arsenic(Iii/V)Determinations: An Evaluation Of The Literature And New Analytical Results

McCleskey , R. Blaine 1 ; Nordstrom , D. Kirk 2 ; Maest , Ann S. 3 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO 3 Buka Environmental, Boulder, CO Published literature on the time stability of water samples containing dissolved As(III/V) and preserved with a...

Testing The Effects Of Runoff Dynamics And Network Structure On Scaling Of Peak Flows In Real River Networks

Mantilla , Ricardo 1 ; Gupta , Vijay K 2 1 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥). University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Boulder. 2 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥). University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥...

Theoretical And Computational Studies Of Hydraulic Anisotropy In Shear Fractures With Self-Affine Surfaces

Mallikamas , Wasin 1 ; Rajaram , Harihar 2 1 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ 2 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ We present theoretical and computational analyses of the anisotropy of the aperture correlation structure and effective transmissivity in fractures generated by sliding between identical self-affine surfaces. The anisotropy resulting from shear has been...

Interactions Between Vegetation Expansion And Flow Dynamics On The ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ River, CO, USA

Logan , Brandy L 1 ; Pitlick , John 2 1 University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ 2 Univeristy of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Sustained drought in the Upper ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ River Basin has severely limited peak flows, allowing native and non-native plant species to colonize low-lying bar surfaces within the last five years. This vegetation has...

Different Effects Of The Heat Sources Of Surrounding Oceans On The East Asian Summer Monsoons (EASM)

Lee , Eungul 1 ; Chase , Thomas N. 2 ; Rajagopalan , Balaji 3 1 ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ and Geography, Univ. of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Boulder 2 ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ and Geography, Univ. of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Boulder 3 ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ and CEA Engineering, Univ. of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ at Boulder Northern East Asian summer monsoon precipitation (NEASMP)...
