Department of Linguistics

Graduated with MA 2013
Currently in the PhD program, Department of Communication, University of Texas at Austin

Currently, I am a doctoral student in the Communication Studies Department at the University of Austin at Texas with a specialization in rhetoric and language. However, I received my MA from the University of ֱ at Boulder in the Department of Linguistics with an emphasis on sociolinguistics, queer linguistics, and embodied interaction. As far as research, I have a broad range of interests; however, much of my work revolves around examining how individuals co-construct, negotiate, or contest identity positions through verbal, gestural, and other visual styles in everyday interactions (often exploring the intersections between language, gender, and sexuality). More specifically, my interest in GLBTQ communities of practice and “queer styles” involves understanding the ideological/historical stances that are taken up within particular interactional contexts, and their relation to larger material conditions of our society.