
Men Idle, Women Network: How Networks Help Female Legislators Succeed.

*Wojcik, Stefan and *Shawnna Mullenax. 2017. “Men Idle, Women Network: How Networks Help Female Legislators Succeed.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. View the publication here.

shawnna and grandma

PoliSci grad student shares her story on ֱ Public Radio

Nov. 4, 2016

“For me, Clinton really rep resents things that I want to see happen, like equal pay for women and freedom of reproductive rights.” -Shawnna Mullenax “I am a Conservative-thinking person, and I don’t like the way the country has gone. I can’t say that I like either candidate, but I’m...

shawnna mullenax

Meet Shawnna Mullenax

Oct. 28, 2016

PhD Candidate, President of PSCI Graduate Students When Shawnna Mullenax enrolled at West Virginia University, she had plans to become a chiropractor; however, she quickly learned that it’s never too early to change your major. “Three weeks into college, I knew it wasn’t for me,” said the fifth-year graduate student...