Student Organizations

GIPS (Graduates in Political Science)is the representative organization of the graduate students within the Political Science Department. The organization serves to forward the interests of political science graduate students and foster a strong sense of community; both among students and faculty. GIPS is directly involved in faculty search committees, new student recruitment, professionalization and organizing graduate student social events.

Current Officers (Fall 2024& Spring 2025):

President: Samantha Register
The president serves as a liaison between the student body and the department; oversees functions of GIPS leadership team; organizes meetings and elections; organizes the GIPS paper prize; reviews office assignments; assists with events and department decisions, such as recruitment weekend, faculty-student events, etc.; works closely with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

Vice Presidents: Alex Newhouse and Zeynep Oguz
The Vice President calls and hosts “happy hour” each Friday. Other tasks might include alternative events to happy hour, and general assistance to the GIPS President.

Additional Members:

Comps Grad Student Liaison:Steven Van De laarschot
The Comps Grad Student Liaison will provide support to 3rd-yeargraduate students, who take their comprehensive exams as the second major milestone in the Ph.D. program. This position will work closely with the Graduate Program Assistant (GPA), the DGS, the GIPS President, and, of course, comping graduate students. The Comps Grad Student Liaison will support the communication of information regarding the comprehensive examinations and will serve as a peer advocate for comping graduate students.

Racial Justice and Policy Liaison: Ansgarius Manek
Keeps racial justice at the forefront of department discussions by engaging proactively whenever and wherever necessary to voice Black, Indigenous, and People of Color(BIPOC) graduate student concerns. Serves as the primary contact person between the department and GIPS on issues related to racial justice and as the GIPS official who graduatestudents can turn to when they face or observe microaggressions, racism, or other forms of discrimination within the department.

New Student Liaisons: Anna Kowalski and Jon Cohen
The New Student Liaison helps with recruitment weekend each February for prospective incoming graduate students who have been accepted, and follows up/supports potential and incoming graduate students. This position will work closely with the GPA.

Graduate Committee Representative: Dania Arayssi
Works alongside the Graduate Committee to give student input into decisions regarding curricula, hiring, advising, and other related issues.

International Student Representative: Poushali Mohanta
Works with incoming and current international students to ensure their interests are met.

Undergraduate Committee Representatives: Alexandra Philippidis and Katie Sevin
Works alongside the Undergraduate Committee to give assistance on decisions regarding undergraduate programs, honors theses, and other related items.

GPSG Representative: Dania Arayssi
The GPSGRepresentative attends GPSGmeetings, forwards GPSGemails, and represents students' interest in the college-wide graduate organization.

Chief Data Officers:Katie Glenn and Alex Newhouse
The chief data officer is tasked withhelping collect and organize data on graduate students in our department. This position will work to develop panel data sets regarding racial justice, housing, finances, and other issues identified with GIPS officers.

Ѱʳ(Mentors in Political Science)is an organization designed to help develop personal and professional relationships among graduate students in political science. MOPS serves as a support system by which graduate students can share experiences, expertise, and guidance.The primary purpose of MOPS is to provide each new incoming graduate student an advanced graduate student in their major subfield to help transition to the political science program, ֱ/Boulder, and graduate student life.

While the mentor-mentee component is the primary function of MOPS, we offer a host of clinics and professionalization activities over the course of the fall and spring semesters tailored specifically for graduate students. Below are workshops hosted by MOPS this year and in previous years:

  • Maintaining health and wellness in graduate school; included CAPS presentation and discussion of other resources available to ֱ students
  • Creating a CV and website for the job market with Dr. Andrew Q. Philips
  • How to make the most of academic conferences with Dr.Srinivas "Chinnu " Parinandi
  • Learning to be a productive writer with Dr. Michaele Ferguson

MOPS Coordinator:Steven Van De laarschot