Who We Serve:

The McNair Scholars programÌýserves students who are first generation to college, , and/or members of groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate school, as defined by .ÌýMembers of the programÌýparticipate in numerous activities designed to prepare them for the rigors of graduate education. The McNair Scholars ProgramÌýprepares eligible participants for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.ÌýThe goal of this federally funded, nationally recognized program is to increase the attainment of Ph.D. degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society.


    In order to apply for the McNair Scholars Program, you must meet the following eligibility criteria, set by the Department of Education. Because this is a federally funded program, these are strict requirements.

    To be eligible, you must:

    • have a strong desire to obtain a PhD
    • be a US citizen or permanent resident
    • come from a and be the first in your family to go to college (no parent or legal guardian holds a 4-year college degree, or you were a ward of the court after age 13)
      • or beÌýa member of a group that is underrepresented/underserved in graduate education, as outlined by , defined as the following:
        • Black or African American
        • Hispanic or Latinx
        • American Indian or Alaskan Native
        • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders
    • be currently enrolled as an undergraduate in a degree program at ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Boulder (students who already hold a bachelor's degree are not eligible)
    • be heading into your junior or senior year in the upcoming fall semester with at least 60 credit hours completed by the following Fall semsterÌý(you must also have at least one year remaining before graduation)
    • have aÌýminimumÌýcumulative GPA of 3.0