Frequently Asked Questions (Majors and Minors)

All tracks begin with a common set of introductory Math courses.  There are the below 5 tracks to choose from:

  • The Comprehensive track is the most general and flexible track, as it includes three upper division elective courses; the Comprehensive track also works well for students who are considering graduate study in Mathematics.
  • The Applicable track is intended to be a bit more applied/computational.  It includes courses that work well for students who are double majoring with a Natural Science, Social Science, or Engineering field, or for students who are interested in the certificate programs.
  • The Secondary Education track is designed to line up with the requirements for becoming a secondary Math teacher in the state of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥.  Keep in mind that completing this track does not provide a student with a teaching license.  programs are offered through the School of Education.
  • The Computational Track is designed for students interested in computability theory or other areas of overlap between mathematics and computer science.
  • The Statistics Track emphasizes statistics.

All education certification programs are run by the .ÌýÌý

You may count the Calculus sequence taught by Applied Math (APPM 1350, 1360, and 2350) for your Calculus requirement in the Math major or minor programs.  APPM courses will not fulfill the Linear Algebra requirement for the major.

Any other courses will only count if they are cross listed with MATH.  That is, all upper division MATH courses count, even if they happen to be cross listed with another department, but nothing else counts.

At this time, the only Applied Mathematics (APPM) courses which have been approved for use towards the Mathematics (MATH) major or minor are those which are cross-listed APPM/MATH courses.

  • APPM/MATH 4120 Operations Research
  • APPM/MATH 4520 Mathematical Statistics
  • APPM/MATH 4540 Time Series
  • APPM/MATH 4650 Numerical Analysis I
  • APPM/MATH 4660 Numerical Analysis II

For complete Math major graduation information, please visit the graduation policies & procedures page on this site.

The Actuarial Studies Certificate Program is designed to help students obtain the mathematical, economical, and financial expertise necessary to become actuaries --- the mathematical planners of the insurance and pension industries.  The Program is an interdisciplinary effort of the Departments of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Economics, and the Leeds School of Business.  For further information, please visit the .

The Calculus sequence, MATH 2001 (or MATH 2002), and MATH 2135 fill up all the lower division Math hours needed for the Math major requirements.

After completing one semester of calculus with a grade of C or better, no Math major may receive credit in any mathematics course numbered below 1300.