Don Monk
Professor Emeritus • Ph.D. Berkeley, 1961

Research Interests:

Logic, Boolean Algebras


My present research interests are the theory of infinite Boolean algebras and related set-theoretic topics, such as continuum cardinals and pcf theory. My previous research was in algebraic logic (cylindric algebras and relation algebras), and I also did some work in pure logic, set theory, and universal algebra.

Select Publications:

  • Cylindric Algebras, I, II, (with L. Henkin, A. Tarski). North-Holland 1971, 1985. 508pp and 303pp.
  • A very rigid Boolean algebra. أغجاض±²¥ J. Math. 35 (1980), 135-150.
  • Cardinal invariants on Boolean algebras. Birkhauser 1996. 298pp.
  • Continuum cardinals generalized to Boolean algebras. ج‎J. Symb. Logic. 66 (2001), 1928 - 1958.
  • The size of maximal almost disjoint families.ج‎ Diss. Math. 437 (2006), 47pp.