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Two days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against President Donald Trump’s effort to end DACA, which gives legal protections to young immigrants, Venezuela native Vanessa Barrios watched from Orlando as he told supporters at a Tulsa, Okla., rally that he would try again.

Trump’s remarks felt like a “slap to the face,” said Barrios, a UCF student who came to Florida as a toddler with her parents and older siblings. “It’s really just invalidating my existence in this country. I grew up here.”

Barrios is one of about 25,000 immigrants in the state — 700,000 nationwide — temporarily shielded from deportation through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

More than a week after the June 18 court victory, it has begun to feel short-lived for some DACA recipients like Barrios. Legal experts have noted the Supreme Court did not address the legality of the program and agreed the Department of Homeland Security could dismantle it.

The ruling found that the Trump administration violated a law that governs how federal agencies make regulations.

“The Trump administration was required to follow those rules when they were deciding to end a program that hundreds of thousands of people had applied for, had received benefits from and were really relying on as they went about their daily lives,” said Violeta Chapin, professor at the University of Colorado Law School. “The Supreme Court told them they just didn’t do it the right way.”

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DACA recipient criteria

* are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012

* came to the U.S. while under the age of 16

* have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present

* entered the U.S. without inspection or fell out of lawful visa status before June 15, 2012

* were physically present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS

* are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or Armed Forces

* have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors of any kind

* do not pose a threat to national security or public safety

Since the ruling, the Department of Homeland Security is required to resume accepting new DACA applications, Orlando immigration lawyer Gail Seeram said.

During the court challenges, the agency only accepted renewal paperwork, but as of Friday it had not updated its website informing first-time applicants of eligibility.

Seeram said she encourages immigrants who qualify for the program to apply in the meantime.

“A lot of these young immigrants who are eligible for this are still anxious to file for it,” she said. “My advice is to file it, pay the fees, attach the court decision and see what happens.”

The reprieve, renewable every two years, also comes with a work permit and eligibility for a driver’s license. Those benefits have helped UCF student Nicolas Carvajal earn his education.

Carvajal, 22, said he viewed the ruling as a win after his first semester at UCF since transferring from Florida Atlantic University.

Born in Colombia, he came to South Florida with his parents when he was 3. Because of DACA, he was able to work two jobs to pay for part of his tuition. As an undocumented immigrant, he is not eligible for federal or state aid.

DACA recipient Nicolas Carvajal, 22, is studying civil engineering at UCF.
DACA recipient Nicolas Carvajal, 22, is studying civil engineering at UCF.

Carvajal’s goal is to join the Peace Corps one day, but he knows he can’t leave the U.S. without a permanent resident card or gaining citizenship. For now, he’s focused on earning his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. But he said there’s always the worry he’ll be deported to Colombia, a country he has almost no memory of.

“I’m trying to be positive, but then I realize that I couldn’t finish school,” Carvajal said.

Trump said his administration plans to refile its bid to revoke DACA, and Chapin, the law professor, said it could craft an order that may withstand inevitable court challenges.

“If he and Stephen Miller, who has been advising him on immigration issues, have shown anything, they have shown a willingness to be particularly brutal with respect to immigrants both in our country and those who are trying to seek asylum coming in,” she said. “So I think it’s pretty realistic they would be able to do it and they would think this would firm them up essentially as hardliners on immigration.”

This isn’t the first time so-called Dreamers have been caught in the political crossfire during election campaigns, which frustrates 27-year-old Claudia Jimenez, who lives in Altamonte Springs.

Jimenez and her 22-year-old sister are from Venezuela and both submitted their DACA renewal applications early in case the court decision didn’t go their way.

“It’s always both parties using us,” she said. “Democrats put us at the forefront because we pull at the heart strings of the other legal Latinos. The Republicans use us Dreamers as examples to say, ‘you should follow the law, we’re going to deport people like them.”

Jimenez said she gave herself a day to celebrate the Supreme Court decision with happy tears, ice cream and cookies — a reward after months of anxiously refreshing the website on decision days.

Claudia Jimenez, a 27-year-old DACA recipient, came to the U.S. from Venezuela as a child and advocates for immigration reform.
Claudia Jimenez, a 27-year-old DACA recipient, came to the U.S. from Venezuela as a child and advocates for immigration reform.

The next day, the fight for a path to citizenship resumed, which is the ultimate goal, Jimenez said.

“I feel like our movement definitely needed this push, it was kind of like nutrients for our body to keep this fight going,” she said. “I feel stronger in that sense.”

But it’s been an ongoing legislative battle of nearly 20 years with proposed congressional bills that have repeatedly failed to enact immigration reform.

The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Dream and Promise Act last June but the Republican-majority Senate hasn’t set a hearing for a vote.

The bill calls for the cancellation of removal orders and would grant permanent resident status to immigrants who arrived as children if they meet certain requirements.

Barrios, a single mother to 1-year-old Serena, said the thought of being apart from her child or having to uproot her to Venezuela is a nightmare.

She remembers the trauma when she was 12 and didn’t see her dad for a year while he was held at a detention facility. During that time, her family quickly moved from their home to stay off the radar of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, she said.

Gaining citizenship would remove the fear of deportation, she said, and allow her to continue building a life in Central Florida for her and Serena.

“My daughter is my life,” Barrios said. “I wouldn’t have to worry about us being separated.”

Originally Published: