Doctoral Student • NSF GRFP Fellow
Aerospace Engineering Sciences

±á´Ç³¾±ð³Ù´Ç·É²Ô:ÌýRedwood City, CA
Education:ÌýB.S. MechanicalÌýEngineering, B.S Aerospace Engineering – University of California, IrvineÌý(2022)
±á´Ç²ú²ú¾±±ð²õ:ÌýEthan enjoys hanging out with friends and playing various sports, games, and the guitar. He also likes to listen to music, watch shows and movies, and explore the outdoors.

Ethan Leong is a second-yearÌýPhD student at the University of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥, Boulder. He received two bachelor's degrees - one in Mechanical Engineering and the other in Aerospace Engineering - at UC Irvine. During his time there, he conducted research under Prof. Camilo Velez that proved the feasibility of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) propulsion for microrobots. His work was accepted for a conference paper and poster presentation at Hilton Head Workshop 2022: A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, which is a top international conference in the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). In addition, he was involved in design projects such as UCI Solar Airplane, Anteater Electric Racing, and Hyperxite. For the latter, he was one of three team members that established linear induction motor research and development work for the team's Hyperloop pod. Because ofÌýhis research experience and coursework, he aims to build upon prior advancements in the field of magnetoaerodynamics.